Babysitter Duties & Responsibilities

The role and function of a Babysitter includes the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Reviewing caregivers'/parents' instructions and requesting helpful clarification when needed.
  • Monitoring self-directed feeding, hygiene-related, and tidying activities.
  • Aiding applicable minors with routine tasks, if required.
  • Modeling actions that emulate caregivers' principles, unless deemed inappropriate.
  • Securing help from medical, familial, and similar structures, as required.
  • Fortifying every access point around dusk.
  • Encouraging sufficient, cognitively stimulating individual and group play.
  • Promoting adherence to non-negotiable curfews.

Note that this is not an exhaustive list of Babysitter duties and responsibilities. Job functions for specific Babysitter roles may vary, depending on the industry and type of employer.