Instructional Designer Duties & Responsibilities

The role and function of an Instructional Designer includes the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Create engaging learning activities and compelling course content 
  • Work with subject matter experts to identify target audience’s training needs
  • Set instructional end goals and create content that matches them
  • Visualize instructional graphics, the user interface and the finished product
  • Analyze and apply trends and best practices in learning technologies and instructional design 
  • Provide exercises and activities that enhance the learning process
  • Create supporting material/media (audio, video, simulations, role plays, games etc)
  • Devise modes of assessment, such as tests or quizzes, to measure the effectiveness of the course
  • Maintain project documentation and course folders

Note that this is not an exhaustive list of Instructional Designer duties and responsibilities. Job functions for specific Instructional Designer roles may vary, depending on the industry and type of employer.