Apex Solution Limited : Here's What a Job Seeker Has To Say About Them

A job seeker who claims to have been invited to an interview at Apex Solution limited Iwo road, Emiloju house Monaatan Ibadan, shared his experience with them on Nairaland. Read below:

Hello peeps, job interview scammers are many out there and they are using motivational talks method. I experienced mine at Apex Solution limited Iwo road, Emiloju house Monaatan Ibadan. I received a message to come for the interview, I got to the interview all the way from Kwara.
We were asked to answer some interview questions, after that we were led to a small room containing chairs. We all sat down then we began to listen to motivational talk that was delivered by a lady named Fisayo just like the way GNLD people does and this took us for like 2hrs in fact my butts were already paining me and i was also feeling very hungry but we couldnt talk because we dont want to be screened out.
Then they played us Pastor Oyedepo video which is a motivational talks also, after that we were told that those that are selected will receive a message and will come on Monday to meet with the CEO. I receive the message and I went there at the mentioned date. When I got there our message was checked and we were directed to same room. Guess what! Another video was played again by Mensa Toboli ( power of vision) , we watched it and this took us 1hr. Later after, the CEO was welcomed into our midst with standing ovation hoping that he will just come and give us a brief details about the company and tell us when to resume but what did he do? He started talking about those videos we watched and also told us his life story with more motivational talks which took us like 3hours.
Moreover he told us what the company is all about and he told us the positions available which are "representatives" and "experts". Representatives will be paid #20000 monthly and expert will be paid #60000 after 3month of duties, they told us that the work is a consultant work which deals with health under an international bodies. ( CDC, ADA, WHO, Bla bla bla).
Then he emphasized mainly on the experts
1) He said when an expert work for a year plus, he or she will be invited for 4days training sponsored by the foreign people in Lagos at lekki in which he/she will be entitled to a token after the training, he will be properly taken care of, by then he will be collecting close to #200000 and he will have the privilege to start his own company which would be registered under CAC. For example the apex solution is under CAC but I searched for the name under CAC nothing is found.
2) He said if he has spend close to 3yrs he will be invited to UK for 5days international training and by then he will be collecting close to #600000. But what freaked me out Is what I'm about to tell you now: The so called CEO said anything pertaining to health is related to a hospital work I.e someone that studied anything related to medicine and such person must have the certificate before working as a doctor or nurse.
For example I studied geology, he said we will undergo a 3weeks training and we will pay #15000 each for the acquisition of the certificate or licence in which they said it is a permanent licence, not a monthly renewal licence. Then he said if you know that you won't be able to go for the experts job signify and guess what only 2 people signify and they were asked to go and meet the receptionist immediately. I'm sure that's his joy assuming we all signify and just one person did not, he will not be happy because he said one that doesn't have a vision will go for the representative work.
But to be frank with you reader, someone that comes for an interview seeking for job, not knowing what brought such person to that place and not knowing his/her financial status was asked by those company to pay the licence money immediately, at that same moment. They even asked us the mode of payment either by check or bank transfer, I was sensitive enough to reason it well then I left but the rest really wanted to pay the money but as for me, they are scammers.
How will you pay money to get work, you can be asked to pay but the money won't be collected directly from you but it will be deducted from your first salary and you would be told before then. SCAMMERS MOUTH DEY SWEET O DONT BE DECEIVED BY THEIR MOTIVATIONAL TALKS NOR STORIES. BEWARE OF SCAMMERS, THEY ARE MIGRATING FROM ONE STATE TO ANOTHER
To see other job seekers' contributions and experience, continue with the thread on Nairaland. Have you been there before? What do you have to say about them.