
DealDey Job Vacancies in Nigeria, May 14th 2014

DealDey features a daily deal on the best things to do, see, eat, and buy in Lagos and Abuja. DealDey is an easy and fun way to get fantastic deals on great experiences. At DealDey we support local businesses and in return they support consumers with good savings!

We want to create a "Win-Win" scenario each and every day for local merchants who want to attract new customers, and consumers who want to save money and take advantage great services and activities in their own city.

DealDey is always on the lookout for young, vibrant and talented individuals with an unmatched drive.  The following job vacancies exist at DealDey

Front Desk Officer
Commodity Trader
Deal Quality Control Officer (Price & Products)
Retail/Liquidation Supervisor
Digital Marketing Strategist
Sales Executive (promo)
Content Editor
Customer Service Representative
Inventory Manager
Inventory Officer
Pick up centre supervisor
Account Manager
Direct Sales Manager

Click on the job Titles for more information on the jobs and how to apply