
Volunteer Jobs at The VSO International Citizen Service (ICS)

International Citizen Service (ICS) is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for 18 to 25 year olds to volunteer on a development project in Africa, Asia or Latin America.

"ICS is a great way to be able to volunteer abroad at little or no cost to you and what you get from the experience is worth more than anything money can buy."
Emeline Muhawenimana, VSO ICS volunteer

ICS brings young people together to fight poverty. VSO leads ICS, in partnership with other respected development organisations (International Service, Lattitude, Progressio, Raleigh International, Skillshare International and Tearfund). This combined expertise means thousands of volunteers make a real difference in more than 60 countries every year.

You can be part of this change by volunteering with VSO on the ICS programme.

Imagine spending three months working in a team with volunteers from developing countries. Projects are designed to have a lasting impact, both on local communities and on individual volunteers. You’ll challenge yourself, experience another culture and develop transferrable skills to bring back with you.

ICS is funded by the UK government. You don’t need cash, skills or qualifications to take part in VSO ICS – just the ambition to make a difference. So don’t delay – apply today

If you're aged 23 - 35, you can also apply to become a VSO ICS team leader

Apply now and volunteer in 2016