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Get99 Nigeria Recruitment 2024

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Get99 Nigeria job vacancies in Nigeria

If you're interested in working at Get99 Nigeria, below is a list of current job vacancies and career opportunities at Get99 Nigeria. You can browse and apply through this portal.

Sales Executive Job Vacancy at Get99 Nigeria

Get99 is a Lagos-based E-commerce Start-up under the umbrella group, XGO Technology Limited. XGO Technology Limited is a Chinese technology company with operations in Lagos, Nigeria. Get99 is an on...

Key Account Manager Job at Get99 Nigeria

Get99 is a Lagos-based E-commerce Start-up under the umbrella group, Xgo Technology Limited. Xgo Technology Limited is a Chinese technology company with operations in Lagos, Nigeria. Get99 is an on...

Job for an Accountant at Get99 Nigeria

Get99 is the most trusted online classified platform and the largest markerplace for house renting, job seeking, buying and selling used cars, etc. You can buy and sell anything online with Get99 incl...

User Operations Campaign Manager Job at Get99 Nigeria

Get99 is the most trusted online classified platform and the largest markerplace for house renting, job seeking, buying and selling used cars, etc. You can buy and sell anything online with Get99 incl...

Job Vacancy for Key Account Manager at Get99 Nigeria

Get99 is a Lagos-based E-commerce Start-up under the umbrella group, Xgo Technology Limited. Xgo Technology Limited is a Chinese technology company with operations in Lagos, Nigeria. Get99 is an onlin...

Job Vacancy for a Recruiter at Get99 Nigeria

Get99 is a Lagos-based E-commerce Start-up under the umbrella group, Xgo Technology Limited. Xgo Technology Limited is a Chinese technology company with operations in Lagos, Nigeria. Get99 is an onlin...

Fresh Job Vacancies at Get99 Nigeria, 8th October, 2019

Get99 is a Lagos-based E-commerce Start-up under the umbrella group, Xgo Technology Limited. Xgo Technology Limited is a Chinese technology company with operations in Lagos, Nigeria. Get99 is an on...

Job Vacancies at Get99 Nigeria, 23rd September 2019

Get99 is a Lagos-based E-commerce Start-up under the umbrella group, Xgo Technology Limited. Xgo Technology Limited is a Chinese technology company with operations in Lagos, Nigeria. Get99 is an onlin...

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