Anthropologist Job Description

What is the job description of an Anthropologist? What are the duties and responsibilities of an Anthropologist? What does an Anthropologist do?

Job description of an Anthropologist

Anthropologists study past, current, and predictable patterns of human functioning, with a particular emphasis on the ways in which the human condition has come to be constructed and maintained. Anthropologists often approach pertinent phenomena by outlining similarities and differences that exist both within and between groups.

This Anthropologist job description example includes the list of most important Anthropologist duties and responsibilities as shown below. It can be modified to fit the specific Anthropologist profile you're trying to fill as a recruiter or job seeker.

Anthropologist Duties and Responsibilities

Anthropologist job description should contain a variety of functions and roles including:

  • Following new publications related to your specialization and participating in meaningful discussions.
  • Creating research plans that address underrepresented topics.
  • Executing research protocols that adopt a holistic study design.
  • Advocating for the development of appropriate evidence-based policies and legislation.
  • Facilitating access to Anthropological concepts through demystification and open conversations.
  • Encouraging respect for and the sharing of human experiences.
  • Promoting the co-creation of information by employing participatory approaches.
  • Interpreting, writing about, and discussing your discoveries.
  • Collaborating with local and international peers to generate and share knowledge.

Anthropologist Requirements / Skills / Qualifications

Anthropologist job description should include these common skills and qualifications:

  • Degree in Anthropology plus advanced training in your subspecialty.
  • Experience as an Anthropologist in an organization with similar expectations.
  • Proven record of publishing technical works and engaging in science communication.
  • Clear and flexible verbal and written communication skills.
  • Strong grasp of appropriate data analysis techniques.
  • Cognizant and welcoming of differences in the human condition.
  • Familiarity with Anthropological insights, values, and research approaches.
  • Ability to craft and conduct large-scale, relevant studies.

As a hiring manager, recruiting an ideal Anthropologist starts with crafting a good job description. Use this Anthropologist job description template to save yourself time and help you attract the most qualified candidates. Feel free to revise it to meet your specific needs.

Job seekers interviewing for the role of an Anthropologist may also reference it in preparation for the interview.