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Zetech Oil Servicing Company Limited Recruitment 2024

Address: Lekki Phase I, 106104, Lagos State

Zetech Oil Servicing Company Limited job vacancies in Nigeria

If you're interested in working at Zetech Oil Servicing Company Limited, below is a list of current job vacancies and career opportunities at Zetech Oil Servicing Company Limited. You can browse and apply through this portal.

Ongoing recruitment at Zetech Oil and Gas Limited

Zetech Oil and Gas Limited is a Nigerian Private Limited liability Company registered under the companies Acts of 1990. In line with the policies of the Nigerian service provision. The Company core...

Current Job Vacancies at Zetech Oil and Gas Limited

Zetech Oil and Gas Limited is a Nigerian Private Limited liability Company registered under the companies Acts of 1990. In line with the policies of the Nigerian service provision. The Company core...

Senior Accountant at Zetech Oil Service Company

Zetech Oil Service Company is a company with a vibrant vision, product and team. We are passionate and enthusiastic about our future driven by a common theme of "One App multiple Services"...

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