
Field Sales Manager Salary in Nigeria

Find out how much a Field Sales Manager earns across various companies in Nigeria.

Field sales managers direct organizations’ sales teams. They set sales goals, analyze data, and develop training programs for organizations’ sales representatives.

Field sales managers advise sales representatives on ways to improve their sales performance. In large multi-product organizations, they oversee regional and local sales managers and their staffs. Field sales managers also stay in contact with dealers and distributors.

They analyze sales statistics that their staff gathers, both to determine the sales potential and inventory requirements of products and stores and to monitor customers’ preferences. Field Sales Managers are often referred to as Outside Sales Managers.

How much is a Field Sales Manager paid in Nigeria?

Field Sales Manager salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, professional experience and even the hiring company. Jobzilla Nigeria analyzes the market remunerations and helps you negotiate your pay with confidence.

Field Sales Manager Salaries in Nigeria

We're compiling Field Sales Manager salaries in Nigeria, please check back shortly.