
Stanbic IBTC Bank vacancies for Auditors and Fraud Analysts in Nigeria,August 2012

Stanbic IBTC Bank vacancies for Auditors and Fraud Analysts in Nigeria,August 2012
Stanbic IBTC Bank is an equal opportunities employer and are totally opposed to discrimination in any form. It is our policy to provide equal employment opportunities for all employees regardless of race, sex, colour,
nationality, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital / partnership status, religion, age or disability.

The following job vacancies exist:

IT Auditor 
Main Purpose of the Job •Provide assurance to Audit Committee that processes and systems are working effectively and efficiently, and in conformity to policies, standards and best practices.
Main Purpose of the Job •To provide independent reasonable assurance to management on the adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of audited processes and personnel and in doing so provide reasonable as...
Fraud Analyst – Card Fraud 
Main purpose of the job: To analyse, detect & prevent fraud on Stanbic Debit card cardholders accounts by actioning all alerts triggered on the Visa Risk Manager fraud monitoring system and ensuring th...
Audit Manager 
Main Purpose of the Job •To ensure that the internal audit function of the Bank provides quality services that comply with internal auditing standards and management expectations. •To effectively and e...

How to Apply
Click on each job title above to apply