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EHA Clinics Recruitment 2024

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EHA Clinics job vacancies in Nigeria

If you're interested in working at EHA Clinics, below is a list of current job vacancies and career opportunities at EHA Clinics. You can browse and apply through this portal.

Job Vacancies at EHA Clinics

EHA Clinics, a subsidiary of eHealth Africa,  is a chain of clinics spread across Nigeria that provides innovative and technology-driven healthcare to the population. EHA Clinics currently boa...

Ongoing recruitment at EHA Clinics (eHealth Systems Africa Foundation)

EHA Clinics, a subsidiary of eHealth Systems Africa Foundation is deploying innovative technology-driven modular clinics with the ability to combine several critical accelerators to dramatically sc...

Job For Technical Lead - Software Development at EHA Clinics

EHA Clinics, a subsidiary of eHealth Systems Africa Foundation, is deploying innovative technology-driven modular clinics with the ability to combine several critical accelerators to dramatically scal...

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