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Shalom Microfinance Bank Limited Recruitment 2024

Address: Not available

Shalom Microfinance Bank Limited job vacancies in Nigeria

If you're interested in working at Shalom Microfinance Bank Limited, below is a list of current job vacancies and career opportunities at Shalom Microfinance Bank Limited. You can browse and apply through this portal.

Marketing Trainee at SHALOM Microfinance Bank

SHALOM Microfinance Bank, established in 2016 is an indigenous financial institution set up to provide financial services to Individuals, Entrepreneurs, and Businesses in the Micro, Small, and Medi...

Marketing Officer at SHALOM Microfinance Bank

SHALOM Microfinance Bank, established in 2016, is an indigenous financial institution set up to provide financial services to Individuals, Entrepreneurs, and Businesses in the Micro, Small, and Med...

Compliance / Internal Control Officer at Shalom Microfinance Bank Limited

SHALOM Microfinance Bank, established in 2016 is an indigenous financial institution set up to provide financial services to Individuals, Entrepreneurs, and Businesses in the Micro, Small, and Medi...

Compliance / Internal Control Officer at Shalom Microfinance Bank Limited

Shalom Microfinance Bank Limited is an indigenous financial institution set up to provide financial services to Individuals, Entrepreneurs, and Businesses in the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise...

Marketing Trainee at Shalom Microfinance Bank Limited

At SHALOM Microfinance Bank, our goal is to reach economically viable businesses and individuals, who are poor, excluded, currently unbanked, or have limitations in accessing funding from tradition...

Vacancies at Shalom Microfinance Bank Limited

Shalom Microfinance Bank Limited is an indigenous financial institution set up to provide financial services to Individuals, Entrepreneurs, and Businesses in the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise...

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