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Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization Recruitment 2024

Address: Not available

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization job vacancies in Nigeria

If you're interested in working at Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization, below is a list of current job vacancies and career opportunities at Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization. You can browse and apply through this portal.

Job Recruitment at Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE)

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE) is a reputable national indigenous non-governmental organization implementing a USAID-funded Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) project called L...

Job Position at Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE) for Internal Control And Audit, Head

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE) is a registered and reputable national non-governmental organization that provides socio-economic empowerment to orphans, vulnerable children and w...

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE) Vacancies

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE) is a local NGO with a mission to “harness the potentials of widows, orphans, and vulnerable segment to become productive entities in the society ...

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organsation (WEWE) Job Vacancies for Internal Auditors

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organsation (WEWE) is a registered reputable national non-govern mental organization that provides socio-economic empowerment to orphans, vulnerable children and widow...

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE) Job Position for a Finance and Administrationtion Director

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE) is a reputable national indigenous non-governmental organization implementing a USAID-funded Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) project called L...

Ongoing recruitment at Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE), December 2016

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE) is a reputable national indigenous non-governmental organization implementing a USAID-funded Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) project called L...

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization Jobs for Gender Consultants in Nigeria

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE) is a registered National NGO with its head office in Abuja FCT. WEWE is looking for a volunteer to assist communications efforts for a ...

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization Jobs for Graduate Volunteer Communications Officers

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE) is a registered National NGO with its head office in Abuja FCT. WEWE is looking for a volunteer to assist communications efforts for a 5-year USAID...

Jobs in Nigeria at Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE)

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE) is a registered local NGO with its head office in Abuja FCT. (WEWE) is soliciting for consultants to fill job vacancies for a 5-year USAID ...

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization Job Vacancies in Nigeria

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE) is a registered local NGO with its head office in Abuja FCT. (WEWE) is soliciting for consultants to fill job vacancies for a 5-year USAID ...

Ongoing recruitment at Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE)

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE) is soliciting for individuals to fill job vacancies for a 5-year USAID funded project called ‘Local P...

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE) Vacancy in Nigeria for a Technical Report Writer

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE) is a local NGO with its head office in Abuja, FCT. WEWE has a vision to build the capacity of widows and their orphans to stand together for their ...

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation Vacancy in Abuja for a Public-Private Partnership Officer

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organisation (WEWE) is a local NGO with its head office in Abuja, FCT. WEWE is currently implementing a USAID funded project - Local Partners Initiative ...

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE) recruitment in Nigeri, October 2015

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE) is a registered local NGO with its head office in Abuja FCT. (WEWE) is soliciting for individuals to fill job vacancies for a 5-year USAID funded...

Consultancy Jobs in Nigeria at Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE)

SOW for Child Protection Case Management Consultancy Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE) is a local non-for-profit organization currently implementing a USAID funded Local Partners fo...

Certified Auditor Job at Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE)

WEWE is currently implementing a USAID-funded project and is preparing for a USAID A-122/133 audit. WEWE is hereby seeking for a certified auditor that has experience in managing USAID cooperative ...

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE) recruitment, October 3rd 2014

Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE) is earnestly soliciting for individuals for a 5-year USAID funded project called 'Local Partner for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (LOPIN) Pr...

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