Health Physicist Duties & Responsibilities

The role and function of a Health Physicist includes the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Protect people and environment from radiation exposure
  • Ensure proper and safe working conditions for all
  • Assess potential environmental impact and ensure that the facility complies with federal regulations
  • Assist other professionals like engineers and scientists in designing facilities and new radiation-control programs
  • Review and recommend radiation safety measures to facility, equipment and defensive designs
  • Provide guidelines and regulations on suitable radiation control programs
  • Help in the right selection, purchase and maintenance of radiation protection, laboratory, and detection equipment
  • Ensure that the effects of radiation exposure are minimum
  • Prepare and approve safety and work procedures that provide adequate radiation protection during facility operations
  • Prepare written guidelines and modules on radiation control methods
  • Recommend the management on new methods and equipment for use in radiation work and remedial measure for problems
  • Use mathematical concepts to design varied principles and theories related to the subject matter
  • Provide training programs for future health physicists
  • Prepare emergency plans with safety canons to minimize health physics problems and to assure quick remedy
  • Conduct field drills for safety and control
  • Review all radiological monitoring data
  • Examine the laboratory results to ensure proper functioning of the reactor
  • Assure safe use of radiation source at all levels
  • Attain maximum benefit through appropriate application of ionizing radiation
  • Report on radiation safety and health developments to the management
  • Attend training programs or scientific conferences, seminars, etc., to remain updated with new technologies, policies and standards.

Note that this is not an exhaustive list of Health Physicist duties and responsibilities. Job functions for specific Health Physicist roles may vary, depending on the industry and type of employer.

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