Job Vacancies in Baga, April 2024

Want to work in Baga? Looking for current job vacancies in Baga? Jobzilla Nigeria offers you the latest verified job vacancies in Baga. We regularly publish a variety of career opportunities in Baga to keep you updated with the latest job vacancies in Baga. Browse through our website to see employment and recruitment opportunities available in Baga today.

Job Recruitment at the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria

The Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria dedicates itself to achieving significant improvements in agricultural productivity, marketing and competitiveness by generating appropriate technologie...

Provost / CEO at Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology (FCFFT), Baga

The Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology (FCFFT), Baga has national mandate for middle-level manpower trainingat Certificate, Vocational, National and Higher National Diploma levels i...

Vacant Job For Human Resources Supervisor at the Alliance for International Medical Action, 14th January, 2019

The Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) is an independent medical aid organization based in Dakar, Senegal. ALIMA has three principal areas of expertise: providing medical care in humani...

Current Vacancies at INTERSOS, 22nd October, 2018

INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, hu...

Current Job Vacancies at INTERSOS, 23rd August, 2018

INTERSOS, is an independent non-profit humanitarian organization committed to assist the victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, jus...

Current Vacancies at The Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA)

The Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) is an international medical organization, founded in 2009. ALIMA’s aim is to provide a high standard of healthcare in situations of emergency or...

Vacant Job For Project Coordinator at The Alliance for International Medical Action

The Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) is an independent medical aid organization based in Dakar, Senegal. ALIMA has three principal areas of expertise: providing medical care in humani...