Job Vacancies in Burutu, April 2024

Want to work in Burutu? Looking for current job vacancies in Burutu? Jobzilla Nigeria offers you the latest verified job vacancies in Burutu. We regularly publish a variety of career opportunities in Burutu to keep you updated with the latest job vacancies in Burutu. Browse through our website to see employment and recruitment opportunities available in Burutu today.

Jolly Energy Fleet Limited recruitment for Sales and Marketing Agents

Jolly Energy Fleet Limited - Established in 2009 as an engineering and trading firm, Jolly Energy Fleet’s sole aim is in ensuring our esteem clients get their desired output, with respect to ...

Vacancies at Delta State School of Marine Technology, Burutu

The Delta State School of Marine Technology, Burutu enabling act was enacted on 2nd August, 2006. The act provides details on the specific functions; management and other purposes connected therewi...