Job Vacancies in Kafanchan, April 2024

Want to work in Kafanchan? Looking for current job vacancies in Kafanchan? Jobzilla Nigeria offers you the latest verified job vacancies in Kafanchan. We regularly publish a variety of career opportunities in Kafanchan to keep you updated with the latest job vacancies in Kafanchan. Browse through our website to see employment and recruitment opportunities available in Kafanchan today.

Vacancies at Kaduna State College of Nursing & Midwifery

The Kaduna State College of Nursing & Midwifery operates a multi-campus system and has three campuses in Pambeguwa, Kaduna and Kafanchan, located in Kaduna’s three senatorial zones....

Recovery Officers at Baobab Microfinance Bank

Baobab is an investment company whose mission is to create a group of microfinance companies in at least 15 countries that will provide financial services and savings products to entrepreneurs who ...