
Video Editor Salary in Nigeria

Find out how much a Video Editor earns across various companies in Nigeria.

Video Editors manipulate film and video footage to create a coherent and complete project that accurately depicts the film Directors envision. They use complex editing software to piece together stills, footage, sound effects, dialog, and animation effects. Video editors handle the post-production phase of creating videos or films. They bring together raw footage and media and edit these to form videos that are fully ready for viewing.

This work can be laborious, as it involves selecting and organizing footage, sourcing additional media such as music, performing color grading and cleaning up audio, and working with directors for hours at a time, often while trying to meet brisk deadlines.

How much is a Video Editor paid in Nigeria?

Video Editor salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, professional experience and even the hiring company. Jobzilla Nigeria analyzes the market remunerations and helps you negotiate your pay with confidence.

Video Editor Salaries in Nigeria

Below, you will find list of Video Editor salaries in Nigeria based on experience level in different companies.

3 Video Editor earnings reported.

Designation / Company Salary
V21 Comms Limited Salary Scale
Video Editor - Experienced Level
V21 Comms Limited
₦100,000 - ₦150,000
/ month
Beacongate Limited Salary Scale
Video Editor - Experienced Level
Beacongate Limited
₦100,000 - ₦150,000
/ month
Arrow Technologies Salary Scale
Video Editor - Intermediate Level
Arrow Technologies
₦35,000 - ₦45,000
/ month

See more salaries in Nigeria.

  • The salaries on this page are derived from both employer job postings and third party data sources.
  • Salaries for specific roles in the market may vary from the estimates provided here, depending on the industry, type of employer, responsibilities of the role and the profile of the individual.