
Strategic Account Manager Salary in Nigeria

Find out how much a Strategic Account Manager earns across various companies in Nigeria.

Strategic Account Managers are usually responsible for maintaining relationships with current clients, as well as finding opportunities for expanding client database.

How much is a Strategic Account Manager paid in Nigeria?

Strategic Account Manager salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, professional experience and even the hiring company. Jobzilla Nigeria analyzes the market remunerations and helps you negotiate your pay with confidence.

Strategic Account Manager Salaries in Nigeria

Below, you will find list of Strategic Account Manager salaries in Nigeria based on experience level in different companies.

1 Strategic Account Manager earnings reported.

Designation / Company Salary
SHIFT Nigeria Salary Scale
Strategic Account Manager - Experienced Level
SHIFT Nigeria
₦120,000 - ₦150,000
/ month

See more salaries in Nigeria.

  • The salaries on this page are derived from both employer job postings and third party data sources.
  • Salaries for specific roles in the market may vary from the estimates provided here, depending on the industry, type of employer, responsibilities of the role and the profile of the individual.