Agricultural Science questions and answers

Agricultural Science Questions and Answers

A comprehensive list of Agricultural science questions with answers to help you prepare for JAMB, WAEC, NECO, Post UTME exams.


What is the primary function of the reproductive system in farm animals?


Digestion of food


Reproduction and propagation of the species


Production of milk for offspring


Maintenance of body temperature

Correct answer is B

The primary function of the reproductive system in farm animals is the reproduction and propagation of the species. The reproductive system in farm animals, including cows, sheep, pigs, and poultry, is responsible for the production of gametes (sperm and eggs) and facilitating the process of fertilization. It involves the functioning of reproductive organs, such as the ovaries, testes, uterus, and oviducts, as well as hormone regulation.


What is the role of agricultural extension officers in the field of agriculture?


Providing financial assistance to farmers


Marketing agricultural products to consumers


Conducting research on new farming techniques


Delivering agricultural education and training to farmers

Correct answer is D

The role of agricultural extension officers in the field of agriculture is primarily to deliver agricultural education and training to farmers. Agricultural extension officers work closely with farmers, providing them with information, knowledge, and technical expertise to improve their farming practices. They facilitate the transfer of scientific research and technology to farmers, helping them adopt modern and sustainable agricultural practices.


Which of the following periods marked the beginning of agricultural practices by early human societies?


Paleolithic Age


Information Age


Renaissance Era


Industrial Revolution

Correct answer is A

The Paleolithic Age, also known as the Stone Age, marked the beginning of agricultural practices by early human societies. During this period, which began around 2.6 million years ago and lasted until around 10,000 BCE, humans transitioned from being solely hunter-gatherers to engaging in early forms of agriculture.



Which of the following is a common method of disseminating information to farmers?


All of the above


Social media campaigns


Radio broadcasts


Field demonstrations

Correct answer is A

Disseminating information to farmers involves utilizing various methods to reach them effectively. Social media campaigns, such as through platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp, have become increasingly popular for sharing agricultural knowledge, news, and updates. Radio broadcasts, especially in rural areas, serve as an important means of reaching farmers with relevant agricultural information.



What is the primary goal of crop improvement in agriculture?


Reducing pest and disease resistance


Expanding crop cultivation areas


Increasing crop diversity


Enhancing crop yield and quality

Correct answer is D

The primary goal of crop improvement in agriculture is to enhance crop yield and quality. Crop improvement involves various techniques, such as plant breeding, genetic engineering, and selection of superior traits, to develop new varieties or cultivars with improved characteristics. These characteristics may include higher yields, improved nutritional content, resistance to pests and diseases, tolerance to environmental stresses, and better adaptation to specific growing conditions.