ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) Graduate recruitment, June 2015

ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) is an international financial institution established by the 15 Member States of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). EBID includes: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.

The main objective of EBID is to contribute to the economic development of West Africa through the financing of ECOWAS and NEPAD projects and programs. The headquarters of the bank is in Lome in the Togolese Republic.

As part of its capacity building efforts, the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development is seeking qualified candidates who are citizens of the community to fill the position below:

Job Title:  Head of Division, Financial Engineering and Assistance to SME's

Grade: P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary

  • Reporting to the Director of Private Sector Operations, the successful candidate will assist in implementing and following up on the programme of action for the promotion and financing of SME’s in ECOWAS.
  • Prepare and implement measures to promote the development of SME’s through specialized financial institutions;
  • Identify SME’s that are likely to contribute to the sub-regional integration strategy and implement appropriate plans of action;
  • Design and implement financing mechanisms adapted to the needs of SMEs, especially lines of credit to specialized institutions;
  • Analyze feasibility studies of regional projects submitted by borrowers;
  • Supervise loan agreements, provide advice and supervise activities relating to the award of contracts carried out by borrowers;
  • Assess the constraints and difficulties and make proposals on access of SMEs to the commercial loans of the Bank;
  • Supervise and monitor all activities relating to the promotion and financing of SMEs;
  • Perform other duties assigned by Supervisors and Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree or its equivalent in Management or Financial Engineering, Accounting from a recognized university or tertiary institution.
  • Minimum of ten (10) years professional experience in the promotion of SMEs. Experience acquired in a consultancy firm or at a bank will be an advantage
  • Sound knowledge of SME operations including the technical and administrative environment in ECOWAS Member States;
  • Experience in preparing documents relating to bankable projects, in line with international standards with a view to securing funding from international financial institutions;
  • Familiarity with preparation of dossiers relating to commitments and good knowledge of financial products for SMEs;
  • Ability to manage a team in a multicultural environment; sound communication skills, ability to impart knowledge, delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;
  • Capacity for analysis and synthesis, sense of organization and ability to work as member of a team.
  • Good physical condition to be able to participate in field missions.

Job Title: Head Social Sector Division

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Director of the Department of Public Sector Operations, the Head of the Social Sector Division shall contribute to the preparation of policies and strategies of the Bank in the social sector (notably in education, health and social welfare in accordance with the general guidelines of the Bank in that area.
  • He / She shall particularly be in charge of:
  • Contribute to the preparation of the general policy of the Bank concerning projects, programs and initiatives in the social sector;
  • Plan, organize and allocate duties for all the activities related to the project cycle (identification, preparation, appraisal, supervision and preparation of the project completion report) in the social sector;
  • Plan and design the projects and programs in the social sector and present them for approval of the Board of Directors ;
  • Design and /or improve the project components that contribute to poverty reduction, addressing vulnerability and encouraging greater inclusion ;
  • Define the socio-economic indicators of projects and programs in the sector, identify the mechanism for monitoring of their implementation ;
  • Handle social development issues in the various operations of the Bank during the phases of identification, preparation, evaluation and supervision of projects ;
  • Develop partnership with other multilateral and / or bilateral development institutions in the sector and collaborate with the experts of these institutions during field missions;
  • Monitor the procedure for procurement of goods and services, analyse the invitation to tender dossiers and the contract dossiers that are in connection with the projects ;
  • Carry out all other tasks assigned by Management
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree in Social Sciences, Economics, Social Development, or related field or equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum professional experience of ten (10) years in social sector financing and in the formulation policies relating to the management of project cycles (identification, preparation, appraisal, supervision and completion);
  • Good knowledge of the analysis and formulation of policies in the social sectors. Knowledge of practices in the major bilateral and multilateral agencies that are development partners would be an advantage;
  • Ability to understand complex human development issues, identify key issues and formulate result-oriented recommendations ;
  • Proven ability in financial and economic analysis of projects ;
  • Ability to develop good relationships with other staff members, to impart knowledge, delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;
  • Excellent analytical and review skills, sense of organisation and ability to work in teams in a multicultural context ;
  • Good physical condition to enable participation in field missions.

Job Title: Head of Division, Industry and Energy

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Director of the Department of Private sector operations, the Head of Division, Industry and Energy shall contribute to the implementation of the Bank's policy on project financing throughout the project cycle.
  • Identify and appraise projects that contribute to the enhancement of intra-regional trade and to the supply of strategic products to the sub-region;
  • Prepare projects for inclusion in the pipeline of the Bank (additional appraisal of projects, participation in the appraisal of projects with the operational technical committee);
  • Assist borrowers to carry out feasibility studies where they do not have such studies on their projects;
  • Identify, receive, and examine financing requests (project identification and studies, participation in pre-selection committee);
  • Identify and appraise new short term financing opportunities, especially intervention on the carbon market;
  • Monitor procedures for the procurement of goods and services;
  • Appraise and monitor disbursement requests;
  • Monitor the realization of proposed investments under projects financed by the Bank.
  • Prepare the project completion report;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering or any other equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years professional experience in analyzing, monitoring and appraisal of industrial projects;
  • Skills in industrial or agro-industrial methods and in project management;
  • Good knowledge of financial and economic analysis of projects;
  • Mastery of mechanisms for financing of private sector projects;
  • Excellent analytical and review skills, sense of organization and ability to work in teams in a multicultural context;
  • Ability to develop good relationships with other staff members and to impart knowledge;
  • Capacity to delegate powers, supervise and take decisions;
  • Good physical condition to participate in field missions.

Job Title: Head of Division, Communication and Marketing Division

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary

  • Reporting to the Director of the Department of Legal and Corporate Services, the Head of the Communication and Marketing Division shall contribute to preparing and implementing the communication policy of the Bank both internally and externally.
  • He / she equally be responsible for defining the marketing strategies aimed at ensuring the promotion of operational, corporate and social responsibility activities of the Institution, with a view to giving it an enhanced visibility.
  • Ensure the organisation, the coordination and supervision of the duties assigned to the Division;
  • Contribute to the drafting of the Bank’s communication policy and updating this periodically, and ensure that it is implemented as soon as it is approved by Management ;
  • Take initiatives for the promotion of the corporate image of the Bank by publishing relevant information on all its activities ;
  • Ensure the publication of the annual reports and the activity report of the Bank ;
  • Supervise the production of leaflets, brochures, and other publicity material meant to advertise EBID, its basic policies, its main areas and intervention conditions ;
  • Coordinate the production of a newsletter on the Bank, its programs and activities;
  • Participate in the production and contribute articles in the internal news magazine of the Bank ;
  • Prepare and publish press releases ;
  • Gather information related to the activities of the Bank, analyze them thoroughly and propose texts and comments that are capable of improving its image or that could lead to correcting information that could be erroneous or detrimental to its image ;
  • Prepare articles and arouse the interest, particularly of the staff members to draft useful articles on the activities of the Bank and on matters of interest and take steps for these articles to be published timely;
  • Participate in the designing and the production of souvenir items or in the selection of promotional items or souvenirs to mark important events in the life of the Bank;
  • Promote the Bank's relations with media organs ;
  • Act as Press Attaché to the Office of the President of the Bank;
  • Prepare circulars to publicize the decisions of Management ;
  • Contribute to providing updated information on the web site in relation with the departments concerned;
  • Formulate and implement the Bank's specific marketing policies and strategies;
  • Study the advert offers presented to EBID and submit a coherent advert program for EBID;
  • Propose and implement public relations policies, press conferences, and participate in the live radio and television programs and other media events, prepare relevant background information and take steps to ensure that these are published;
  • Define, design and produce appropriate publicity media for a more effective visibility of the Bank and its activities;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management. 
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Must be a holder of a Master's degree in communication, corporate communication, journalism, marketing or any other related field or equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • At least ten (10) years professional experience in handling communication preferably in an international institution, a communication firm or a reputable media outfit;
  • Excellent communication and oratory skills ;
  • Ability to present issues and briefs clearly, in a summarized form, eloquently and with concise ideas, and to arouse the attention of the audience;
  • Irreproachable drafting skills;
  • Excellent analytical and review skills;
  • Ability to present an argument coherently and persuasively ;
  • Ability to take initiatives and manage innovations and changes ;
  • High sense of responsibility ;
  • Excellent mobilization and organizational skills ;
  • Team spirit and high sense of courtesy ;
  • Ability to work in a multinational environment, in a team, and often under pressure;
  • Good command of two of the three working languages of the Bank;
  • Familiarity with computer tools.

 Job Title: Accountant

Grade: P3-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Head of Accounts Division of the Department of Finance, the Accountant shall ensure proper and accurate recording of accounting entries (authenticity and accuracy of accounting documents, entries) in line with the accounting plan of the Bank and implement the financial policy of the Bank.
  • Ensure the accuracy of account balances and effect correcting entries;
  • Ensure the set-up of account plans and the processing of accounting data;
  • Verify the authenticity and accuracy of automated accounting documents generated by the information systems;
  • Prepare cheques, transfers and drafts for the payment of invoices;
  • Prepare bank reconciliation statements;
  • Prepare repayment claims;
  • Prepare quarterly and annual financial statements;
  • Monitor fixed assets and stocks;
  • Save, and file documents and vouchers;
  • Participate in the annual accounts closing exercise;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree or its equivalent in Accounting, Finance or Management from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of five (5) years working experience, especially in the preparation of accounts of projects financed by international organizations;
  • Good knowledge of the mechanisms and procedures of project management, disbursement procedures of donor agencies;
  • Good knowledge of some accounting softwares;
  • Ability to prepare clear, concise and accurate reports and work-notes on issues relating to his/her duties;
  • Ability to work under pressure in a team;
  • Solid capacity in planning and defining priorities;
  • Ability to work in a dynamic multicultural institution.

Job Title: Archivist

Grade: P3-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Attached to the Documentation Department, the Archivist shall be responsible for routing of the archives to all the Bank’s units as part of the defined archival policy and in compliance with archival regulations.
  • Collect, process, preserve and develop the archives;
  • Participate in the computerisation of the archives;
  • Process the final archives and check eliminations;
  • Draft and monitor dashboards;
  • Train departments on archiving and filing of documents;
  • Forward documents to the requesting departments in accordance with the prescribed regulations;
  • Explore possible accession of more recent archives;
  • Advise records generating departments on archives management;
  • Manage subscriptions and acquisition of books and make inputs to the preparation of the department’s budget;
  • Carry out all other tasks assigned by Management;
Required Profile
  • A Master's Degree in Documentation or any other professional qualification in Archival studies;
  • Minimum of five (5) years working experience in a similar position;
  • Sound knowledge of international archiving standards and regulatory texts;
  • Sound knowledge of document processing procedures;
  • Good writing skills and have a good analytical mind;
  • High sense of organisation and efficiency;
  • Ability to set up effective work organisation and work under pressure;
  • Team player in a multicultural environment.

Job Title: Head of Division, Macro-Economic Research Studies

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Director of the Department of Research and Strategic Planning contribute to the development, monitoring and evaluation of the strategic plans of the Bank.
  • He/ she shall assist in developing the Bank's activity report and also assist in designing and developing strategic documents and visibility studies for the bank.
  • Coordinate the formulation of strategies and operational policies in collaboration with other departments;
  • Make proposals for adapting strategies and actions to meet the economic situation and the needs of ECOWAS Member States;
  • Undertake and carryout macro-economic, sector and theme-based research and analysis within the framework of economic programs of Member States in order to facilitate the identification of projects, policies, priorities and institutional problems specific to each sector or area of intervention of EBID;
  • Organize, put in place and coordinate mechanisms for gathering financial and socio-economic information on Member States using the documentation available at the Bank and through research missions to the relevant national institutions of Member States;
  • Establish and manage operational, micro and macro-economic database, including database that will facilitate the compilation of information on medium and large scale enterprises in the private and commercial public sectors and enable the establishment of permanent framework for Bank-client relationship;
  • Gather, compile, analyze and publish statistical data on the economies of Member States and produce statistics on the operational activities of EBID;
  • Manage the macro-economic data bank and produce statistics on the activities of the Bank;
  • Manage the Documentation Centre and the Archives of the Bank in order to respond effectively to the information needs of users;
  • Manage the data bank of consultants and consultancy firms;
  • Assist in preparing and updating comprehensive documentation on the economic situation of ECOWAS Member States and other regions in Africa as well as information on institutions, regional, African and international development bodies and agencies;
  • Centralize research and publications made by international organizations and those prepared or requested by the Bank;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree in Economics, Statistics, Strategic Planning, or any related field from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years professional experience acquired in a consultancy firm, investment bank or in the strategic department of a company, with related activities in strategic planning, research and economic analysis;
  • Capacity to independently undertake research on economic issues, backed by publications in recognized quantitative journals;
  • Ability to apply quantitative methods of economic analyses;
  • Solid knowledge of economic modeling and econometrics will be an asset;
  • Good verbal and written communication skills;
  • Ability to manage time, prioritize tasks and activities, meet deadlines and achieve results;
  • Ability to develop clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies;
  • Be able to monitor the implementation of plans and activities and to anticipate risks and make contingency plans;
  • Ability to work in a dynamic multicultural institution and capacity to work in a team to achieve organizational goals;

Job Title: Marketing and Communications Officer

Grade: P3-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Head of Communications and Marketing Division, the Marketing and Communications Officer shall contribute to the implementation of the Bank’s Communications and Marketing strategy.
  • Contribute to enhancing the visibility of the Bank
  • Serve as focal point for journalists covering activities at the Bank
  • Contribute to media planning
  • Assist in developing and implementing activities devolving on the Division as indicated in the detailed organization chart of the Bank
  • Contribute to producing the Bank’s newsletter, brochures, pamphlets etc.
  • Contribute to packaging the Division’s input on the website
  • Contribute to ensuring compliance with the Bank’s graphic charter in all communication media
  • Contribute to the development and choice of corporate gift items
  • Coordinate visits from institutions of learning
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree in Communication and Public Relations from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of five (5) years working experience in a Communications department;
  • Sound knowledge of the local environment and sub-region;
  • Excellent knowledge of the media environment;
  • Ability to adapt to a multi-cultural environment;
  • Proven written and verbal communication skills;
  • Other qualities in particular:
    • Open minded;
    • Very observant and a good listener;
    • Team-player;
    • Excellent ability to adapt;
    • Should have a sense of initiative, responsible and pragmatic;
    • Fluency in two of the Bank’s working languages;

Job Title: Administration and Human Resource Officer

Grade: P3-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Head of the Human Resource Division of the Department of Administration, the Administration and Human Resource Officer shall follow up the administrative file of the staff members (leave, contracts, salaries, sickness, training, etc…) shall prepare the Bank’s staff welfare policy and ensure its implementation.
  • He/She shall particularly be in charge of:
  • Provide orientation regarding handling of staff matters and implementation of the staff regulations and the rules and procedures on labour law;
  • Manage staff records (monitoring and checking and updating of individual and collective staff data);
  • Prepare, update and circulate various documents : notices, training programs, ancillary documents, attendance registers, miscellaneous forms, filing and archiving of documentation;
  • Contribute to the preparation of administrative documents (agreements, supplementary contracts, mail to staff members …);
  • Monitor and project the calendar of procedure of staff career advancement;
  • Verify and process staff welfare assistance requests;
  • Prepare the input for computation of salaries and statements regarding social security contributions and taxes;
  • Handle the staff leave and monitor execution;
  • Provide information for the management chart and for preparation of the Bank’s Activity Report for submission to Management;
  • Manage the insurance policies concerning staff members and declare work-related accidents, request for inclusion or withdrawal of names therein;
  • Prepare information relating to positions to be advertised, monitor the publication of vacancies and participate in the analysis and short-listing of candidates;
  • Participate in the management of internship and of outsourced human resources;
  • Prepare the minutes or the reports of the meetings of the Human Resource Committee and ensure the implementation of decisions made ;
  • Closely monitor the information system on human resources;
  • Carry out all other tasks assigned by Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree in Human Resource Management, Public or Business Administration, Law or in any other relevant field;
  • Minimum of five (5) years working experience in human resource management within a similar financial Institution;
  • Good knowledge of the rules, regulations, procedures and policies on human resource, labour laws and regulations;
  • Excellent ability to manage difficult situations as well as ability to work in a multicultural professional environment;
  • Ability to analyze issues strategically, assess measures from the standpoint of stakeholders and transform strategic ideas into plans of action;
  • Sense of judgement, initiative and respect for confidentiality;
  • Ability to exercise self-control and remain calm even under emergency situations and work under pressure;
  • High sense of organization and ability to develop human relations.
  • Good drafting skills an ability to prepare reports and minutes;
  • Ability to utilize human resource management and pay software;
  • Ability to initiate and manage innovations or changes and proven ability to present ideas and achieve adherence to the ideas.
  • Ability to work in a multicultural environment.

Job Title: Head of Division, Legal Affairs

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs, the Head of Division, Legal Affairs shall contribute to the provision, organization, supervision and coordination of the various legal services required as part of the Bank's operational and other services.
  • Organize, manage and supervise the Division;
  • Provide orientation, supervision and assessment of the work of the division's legal officers;
  • Supervise and input project appraisal reports;
  • Coordinate the preparation and monitoring of legal opinions and documents;
  • Coordinate assignments performed by each legal officer in response to requests from the other departments of the Bank ;
  • Supervise the active involvement of the legal officers in negotiations relating to the Bank's operations;
  • Consider, supervise and annotate the legal aspects of projects and assist in project restructuring;
  • Supervise the legal officers during negotiation of loan agreements, presentation of documents to the Board of Directors, and signing of loan agreements;
  • Supervise the review of supporting documents provided by promoters in fulfillment of conditions precedent to loan disbursements;
  • Make available, manage, and monitor guarantees taken by the Bank in the course of financing projects;
  • Interpret the Bank's texts relating to all its operations, including sovereign transactions;
  • Prepare the Division's budget in consultation with the Director of the Department;
  • Assist the Director of the Department in the consideration of legal matters on the agenda of meetings and various other governing bodies of the Bank;
  • Supervise the distribution of cases and relations with external counsels (lawyers, notaries and bailiffs);
  • Handle complex and confidential legal issues as instructed by the Director of the Department and the Bank's top management;
  • Implement the Anti-Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction mechanism;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree in Law or equivalent qualification from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years working experience preferably in a legal division of an investment and/or a development bank or a Law firm;
  • Minimum of three (3) years relevant experience managing a legal department ;
  • High competencies in project financing (project appraisal, legal arrangements, drafting guarantee agreements and acts …) ;
  • Excellent analytical and review skills leading to relevant solutions and concrete action plans;
  • Excellent drafting skills;
  • Proven ability to present ideas and mobilize support for them;
  • Excellent ability to speak at least two of the three working languages of the Bank fluently;
  • Strong sense of responsibility, discipline and organization;
  • Team player, attentive listener and quick learner;
  • Ability to adapt, initiate and manage innovations and changes;
  • Ability to work under pressure and manage a team in a multicultural environment ;

Job Title: French Revisor

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Head of the Language Services Division, shall revise texts translated into French by in-house Translators or free-lance Translators for the Bank relating to a wide range of documents on economic, financial, administrative, technical as well as operational documents relating to projects financed by the Bank.
  • Check the accuracy and concordance of translation with the original text while ensuring consistency of terminology and quality of style;
  • Review and harmonize documents translated by a pool of in-house or free-lance Translators;
  • Translate from English into French sensitive and complex documents using a specialized standard vocabulary and comply with acknowledged quality standard;
  • Supervise terminology research in the Division through contacts with all resource persons to discuss on conceptual and linguistic issues;
  • Contribute to preparing lexicological tools to meet the needs of the Division;
  • Contribute to the training and evaluation of Translators in line with the standards applied in the profession;
  • Carry out all related duties that may be assigned by Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree in Languages from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution, and an advanced degree in translation or other related fields;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years working experience in the area of translation and revision, preferably in an international organization;
  • Mastery of terminology research techniques;
  • Ability to produce work within deadlines, in line with the highest standards of accuracy, coherence and consistency with the spirit and style of the original text;
  • Good command of French and English, knowledge of Portuguese will be an additional advantage;
  • Ability to work in a multinational environment, in a team, and often under pressure.

Job Title: Head of Division, General Accounts

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Director of Finance, prepare and manage the accounts system and prepare the financial statements of EBID.
  • He/She shall also see to the implementation of the policy on borrowings and mobilization of resources on the capital markets to meet the needs of the Bank.
  • Monitor issues relating to the subscription of the capital of the Bank, call-up of capital and its payment;
  • Execute payment orders in relation to expenses initiated by other departments;
  • Follow-up and capture all amounts received and amount paid out by the Bank and ensure their conformity;
  • Keep accounting records of the funds managed by the institution;
  • Prepare and update statements on the banking transactions of EBID and ensure that the bank reconciliation statements is done on regular basis and within the specified period;
  • Analyze and comment on the financial situation of the Bank by preparing various tables (performance charts, financial reports);
  • Follow-up on the borrowings contracted by the Bank;
  • Manage the equity stakes of EBID and ensure at all times that the Bank is protected against the risk of losses and anomalies of all kinds;
  • Assist missions sent by Internal Audit and the External Auditors in their work and contribute to the success of their work;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree in Accounting, Finance, Management from a recognized University or any relevant fields of professional qualification in Accounting such as ACCA or ACA;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years working experience, especially in the preparation of accounts of projects financed by international organizations;
  • Sound knowledge of the mechanisms and procedures of project management, disbursement procedures of donor agencies;
  • Good knowledge of some accounting softwares;
  • Ability to prepare clear, concise and accurate reports and work-notes on issues relating to his/her duties;
  • Ability to work under pressure in a team;
  • Solid capacity in planning and defining priorities;
  • Ability to manage a team in a multicultural environment;
  • Ability to impart knowledge, delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions.

Job Title: Organisation, Method, and Procedures Officer

Grade: P4-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Head of the Organization and Methods Division, the Organization, Methods and Procedure Officer shall contribute to the designing and putting in place of organizational structures and the relationships between the relevant service units, the appropriate operational policies, output standards and efficient work method procedures applicable to the activities of the Bank.
  • He/She shall particularly be in charge of:
  • Intervene on any organizational problem of general nature within the Bank in order to simplify and enhance productivity of operations;
  • Provide assistance in the concept management and execution of projects (new projects, expansion, innovations, improvements, adaptations, etc…) and support the stakeholders in the execution of their projects ;
  • Design, prepare, structure and support the change process, where possible, by anticipating their consequences as regards human, technological, financial, information system, security issues, etc….
  • Monitor the overall growth trend of the Bank and propose new organizational designs and methods in accordance with the Bank’s strategy ;
  • Handle the rationalization and the harmonization of work positions, functions, procedures (mode of operations, work flow, documents, manuals, etc…);
  • Ensure allocation of resources and provision of logistical support in accordance with the objectives, the resources and the constraints which the Bank is facing;
  • Carry out short term actions aimed at a re-organization to ensure faster return;
  • Assist decision-making regarding organizational strategy or project insertion, and thereon, accommodate the organizational, managerial and human resource changes;
  • Anticipate changes that become necessary as a result of the dynamics of the corporate strategy, with a view to supporting the organizational structure, in real time;
  • Provide leadership, monitor and coordinate the execution of the recommendations and the initiatives in project mode with all the stakeholders involved ;
  • Carry out or commission studies prior to the establishment of new modes of operation and / or of organization;
  • Carry out all other tasks assigned by Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree in Engineering, Finance, Accounts backed with a proven specialization in organization.
  • Minimum of seven (7) years professional experience in the field of organization, of which not less than five (5) in a banking institution;
  • Good knowledge or ability to quickly understand issues concerning the needs of a development bank;
  • Mastery of organizational techniques and planning tools (GANT, PERT, etc.),and Project Management Organization tools;
  • Excellent knowledge of organizational risks specific to banking activities;
  • Ability to develop good relationships, possess good analytical and review skills, and, be ability to listen and understand cross-cutting issues;
  • Ability to prepare clear and concise reports, as well as specialised notes on organisational issues;
  • Ability to integrate into a multicultural environment, learn quickly, delegate duties and responsibilities, and supervise;
  • Must be innovative and proactive and be proactive.

Job Title: Head of Division, Information Technology

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Director of the Department of Information Technology, Organisation and Methods, the Head of Division, Information Technology shall contribute to the implementation of the Bank’s IT Policy in accordance with the IT master plan of the Bank.
  • Assist in the planning, procurement, installation and maintenance of all IT equipment and peripherals and operating systems;
  • Participate in the implementation and monitoring of the IT Policy of the Bank in accordance with the IT master plan;
  • Assist in defining and implementing IT norms and standards of the Bank;
  • Identify and assess the IT needs of the Bank in collaboration with all the Departments;
  • Ensure the administration of systems, servers and all computers of the Bank;
  • Advise Management of the Bank on all matters relating to IT;
  • Operate the website of the Bank in collaboration with all Departments of the Bank;
  • Recommend and implement policies, procedures and strategies governing the use of computers and office equipment;
  • Assist in the designing and maintain a plan of saving data as well as an emergency plan that enables continuation of activity in the event of breakdown of the main server;
  • Participate in the Implementation of the IT policy on updating of the computer equipment and software as well as their safety;
  • Monitor and assess working methods and ensure their efficiency;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree in Computer Science/Engineering, or equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years professional experience in Information Technology preferably in a banking institution in which large scale projects have been implemented successfully;
  • Ability to think strategically in the implementation of IT programs and policies;
  • Vast experience in planning and executing IT policies, programs and major projects in the field of IT;
  • Sound knowledge of software engineering and technology concepts, and have a vast experience in the use of relational and object oriented database concepts;
  • Excellent knowledge of SQL Server and SQL language in general;
  • Ability to use tools or languages such as: HTML, ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, WEB2.0, C#, C++, and JAVASCRIPT will be of advantage;
  • Sound knowledge of processing tools such as: Oracle, XML, and WEB SERVICES will be highly desirable;
  • Sound knowledge of the Internet and of related technology is imperative;
  • Good analytical skills and sense of organization;
  • Ability to work as member of a team in a multicultural environment and capacity to accommodate cultural difference;
  • Ability to take initiative, well-disciplined and be able to work under pressure;
  • Ability to manage a team, possess good interpersonal skills, capacity to delegate powers and to take decisions.

 Job Title: Head of Division, Board Secretariat

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Secretary General of the Bank, the Head of the Board Secretariat Division shall be responsible for organising the secretariat work for the meetings of the Board of Governors, the Board of Directors, the Management Committee and for all the other decision-making organs indicated by the Management of the Bank, as well as the protocol services of the Bank.
  • Organize the meetings of the decision-making organs, notably the Board of Governors, the Board of Directors, the Management Committee and their subsidiary organs;
  • Handle the secretariat duties of the decision-making organs;
  • Supervise the preparation, the reproduction, the compilation and the distribution of documents for the decision-making-organs;
  • Prepare, disseminate and keep on file the minutes, records, reports, summaries, decisions and resolutions adopted during the meetings of the decision-making organs;
  • Propose and enforce guidelines governing communication procedures between the Board of Governors, the Board of Directors and the departments of the Bank;
  • Monitor the relations with the Member States of the Bank by handling the official correspondence of the President of the Bank:
    • Prepare the congratulation messages to the Heads of State and Government on the occasion of their election / Appointment or celebration of their national day;
    • Prepare the goodwill messages to the Heads of State, the Governors and other personalities at the end of each year;
    • Draft the condolence / sympathy message to the Heads of State, the Governors and other personalities at the occurrence of unfortunate events;
    • Draft messages of appreciation, responses to confirm the invitations sent to the President of the Bank, or otherwise, etc…
  • Coordinate the convening of the meetings of the decision-making bodies;
  • Carry out secretarial work of the internal committees of the Bank (Management Committee and other Committees);
  • Organize trips (hotel reservation, means of transport) of Management, staff members, Governors, Members of the Board of Directors and other personalities or guests of EBID within the framework of operational or other official missions;
  • Regularly update and publish the voting powers of the Member States in collaboration with the Department of Finance;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree in Law, Diplomacy, International Relations, Public Administration, Communication or any other relevant field, from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years professional experience in drafting of minutes, reports, articles, or in diplomatic communication, preferably in an international organization;
  • Ability to work under pressure and to meet deadlines;
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
  • Ability to work in a dynamic multicultural institution and capacity to accommodate cultural differences;
  • Ability to develop good relationships with other staff members and to impart knowledge;
  • Capacity to delegate duties, supervise and take decisions.
  • Fluent in two of the Bank’s working languages

Job Title: Security Coordinator

Grade: P4-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Head of the General Services and Estate Division of the Department of Administration, the Security Coordinator shall ensure the effective management of security of persons and property of the Bank as well as at the official residences of the Bank.
  • Implement the Bank's overall security policy, procedures and regulations;
  • Identify all security threats to EBID and implement effective protection measures;
  • Put in place, manage and control security systems at the Bank and at the official residences of the Bank;
  • Prepare audit/review reports, review findings and make recommendations;
  • Analyze security risks to the Institution and provide advice on all security issues;
  • Implement solutions that allow for maintaining the required level of security;
  • Audit and control implemented solutions;
  • Sensitize colleagues on security issues;
  • Inform and train users on installed security equipment and applications;
  • Establish and maintain good working relations with security authorities of the host country and similar sister organizations;
  • Coordinate activities with contracted security companies;
  • Prepare and maintain crisis and emergency plans for entire staff;
  • Organize risk prevention by carrying out simulation exercises;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree in the field relating to security or any other equivalent degree in security management studies from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of seven (7) years working experience in the field of security, ideally, should have a law enforcement and /or security background;
  • Sound knowledge of security laws in force;
  • Good drafting skills;
  • Excellent communication skills, persuasive, ability to negotiate and mobilize, negotiation and engagement skills;
  • Proven capacity to analyze facts and implement concrete solutions;
  • Mastery of safety, protection and security techniques for goods and persons;
  • Ability to take initiative and make decisions in dangerous and risky situations;
  • High sense of discipline and respect for procedures;
  • Excellent self-control, a good sense of judgement and methods;
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and as part of a team.

Job Title: Head of Division, Basic Infrastructure

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Director of the Department of Public sector operations, the Head of Division, Basic Infrastructure shall contribute to the implementation of the Bank's policy on project financing throughout the project cycle.
  • Identify and appraise basic infrastructure projects in the sector of transport, energy, telecommunications, town planning, health and education;
  • Monitor and supervise projects financed by the Bank;
  • Ensure that activities pursued are in line with national or regional programs in accordance with the ECOWAS Strategic Plan;
  • Appraise environmental impact and its attendant risks in projects;
  • Assist borrowers to carry out feasibility studies where they do not have such studies on their projects;
  • Prepare periodic activity reports on projects in the portfolio;
  • Prepare project completion reports;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree in Civil Engineering or any equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years professional experience in analysis, appraisal, monitoring and management of infrastructural projects, preferably in a banking environment;
  • Good knowledge of public sector projects and excellent knowledge of sub-regional and African public administration;
  • High competence in financial and economic analysis of projects;
  • Good knowledge of policies relating to infrastructure in the sub-region and Africa;
  • Excellent analytical and review skills, sense of organization and ability to work in teams in a multicultural context;
  • Ability to develop good relationships with other staff members and to impart knowledge;
  • Capacity to delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;
  • Good physical condition to enable participation in field missions.

Job Title: Head of Division, Short Term Transaction (Trade Finance)

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Director of Finance, the Head of Division and Short Term Transaction shall manage the centralized trade finance operations activities, Letters of Credit, Guarantees, and Bills/TRs.
  • He/she will also implement the objectives, policies and procedures as well as user manuals for the trade finance unit;
  • Review requirements of business units in terms of operational support and discuss in detail with the business units concerned;
  • Ensure the change-over to new systems through smooth and error-free processes;
  • Execute projects related to trade finance operations, ensure their timely completion, achievement of objectives and cost effectiveness;
  • Execute transactions within pre-set and standardized turnaround times for all trade finance activities and service level agreements with business units;
  • Review delivery processes with a view to ensuring smooth workflow within the Unit, reduce turnaround times and achieve efficiency and cost benefits;
  • Ensure that all transaction processing are in compliance with regulations and the Bank’s policies, procedures and norms and be able to intervene promptly to resolve problems areas;
  • Manage maintenance of transactional records and documents and create archival system for easy retrieval;
  • Ensure proper check and balance approach for trade finance processes;
  • Monitor customer trade transactions, settlements and report any exceptions to concerned unit;
  • Develop and maintain relations with partner Banks and Central Banks in order to facilitate and ensure smooth working support and quick resolution of issues and concerns;
  • Prepare regular reports for senior management for effective monitoring and control;
  • Cultivate and manage relationships with key clients with appropriate relationship management skills over the length of the business cycle i.e. from origination, disbursement to facility expiry;
  • Translate business development plans into real business for the Bank from all segments of trade finance;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree in Business Administration, Banking or Finance from a recognized University or a professional qualification in Banking or International Trade Finance or any other related field;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years' experience in the relevant fields acquired within a leading organization;
  • Sound knowledge of major trade finance products to be offered to clients especially syndication, co-financing, club deals, correspondent banking products including letters of credit, factoring, and proven knowledge of how they work;
  • Sound knowledge of operations in the main segments of trade finance markets;
  • Proven experience in marketing trade and project finance products;
  • Experience and knowledge of designing and selling structured trade finance products;
  • Ability to meet senior officials in banks, corporate bodies and governments and win their trust that the specialized products will meet their needs;
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills as well as good analytical skills;
  • Ability to lead a team in a multicultural environment; ability to impart knowledge, delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;
  • Good physical condition to enable participation in field missions. 

Job Title: Head of Division, Agriculture and Rural Development

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

  • Reporting to the Director of the Department of Public sector operations, the Head of Division, Agriculture and Rural Development shall contribute to the implementation of the Bank’s policy on project financing throughout the project cycle.
  • Identify and appraise projects under rural development and agricultural sector;
  • Give priority to projects aimed at ensuring water supply, development of low-lands to ensure food security in ECOWAS Member States;
  • Ensure that activities pursued are in line with the ECOWAS Common Agricultural Policy;
  • Monitor and supervise projects financed by the Bank;
  • Identify and appraise new short term financing opportunities, especially intervention on the carbon market;
  • Contribute in defining appropriate project appraisal methodology as well as its mode of implementation;
  • Prepare the project completion report;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree in Agriculture Science, Rural Development or any other equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years professional experience in the analysis, monitoring and appraisal of Agricultural and Rural development projects;
  • Proven skills in Agricultural, rural development methods and in project management;
  • Good knowledge of financial and economic analysis of projects;
  • Mastery of mechanisms for financing of public sector projects;
  • Analytical and review skills, sense of organization and ability to work in teams in a multicultural context;
  • Ability to develop good relationships with other staff members and to impart knowledge, capacity to delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;
  • Good physical condition to be able to participate in field missions.

Job Title: Head of Division, Language Services

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Bank’s Secretary General, the Head of Division, Language Services shall manage, supervise and coordinate all the Division’s activities.
  • He/she shall in particular perform these activities:
  • Ensure the application of international standards guiding the practice of corporate language services delivery within multilateral organizations Bank;
  • Ensure optimal utilisation of human resources available within the Bank for language services tasks;
  • Coordinate the production of an EBID Term Bank;
  • Recommend the most appropriate Computer Assisted Translation Tool (CAT) for the Bank.
  • Take responsibility for translating assignments carried out by permanent staff and free-lance Translators,
  • Organise the translation services, supervise directly, and carry out translation tasks as the need arise;
  • Ensure the quality and exactitude of texts and comply with production deadlines and standards;
  • Take measures to hire free-lance staff taking budget projections into account.
  • Supervise interpretation services for meetings organised by the Bank;
  • Ensure optimal utilisation of the human resources of the Bank.
Required Profile
  • Post graduate qualification (preferably a Master's Degree or an equivalent) in Languages, and an a post graduate qualification in Interpretation and Translation or any other equivalent qualification from a University or recognized Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years professional, preferably in an international organization;
  • Sound knowledge of Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) Software;
  • Good knowledge of terminology and research techniques;
  • Excellent analytical skills with proven ability to analyze texts, draft documents and translate texts;
  • Ability to produce work within stipulated deadlines, with the highest standards of accuracy, consistency and faithfulness to the spirit of the text, style and nuances of the original text;
  • A prefect command of French and English. Knowledge of Portuguese will be an added advantage;
  • Ability to work in a multinational environment and under pressure.
  • Ability to manage a team in a multicultural environment, capacity to delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;
  • Ability to evaluate the performance of the Interpreters, Translators and Revisors under his/her supervision in line with the standards applicable in the profession.

Job Title: Head of Division, Modern Infrastructure and Services

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

  • Reporting to the Director of the Department of Private sector operations, the Head of Division, Modern Infrastructure and Services shall assist in the implementation of the Institution's policy in the area of financing of infrastructural projects.
  • Maintain and update the database on mining and industrial activities in ECOWAS;
  • Ensure structured investments in the mining, industrial, modern infrastructure and service sectors that may yield good returns and bring better prospects to the Bank;
  • Identify and appraise mining and industrial projects;
  • Identify and appraise private and commercial public infrastructural projects such as port, airport, hotel, telecommunications, transport, hospitals, to be financed by the Bank;
  • Monitor and supervise projects financed by the Bank;
  • Prepare the project completion report;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree in Civil Engineering or any other equivalent qualification from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years professional experience in analysis, appraisal, monitoring and management of infrastructure projects, preferably in a banking environment;
  • Good knowledge of public sector projects;
  • Excellent knowledge of sub-regional and African public administration;
  • Proven ability to carry out financial and economic analysis of projects;
  • Good knowledge of policies relating to infrastructure in the sub-region and Africa;
  • Analytical and review skills, sense of organization and ability to work in teams in a multicultural context;
  • Good physical condition to participate in field missions.

Job Title: Head of Division, Internal Audit and Norms

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Director of Internal Audit, Operations and Evaluation, the Head of Division, Internal Audit and Norms shall supervise internal audit and audit standard activities.
  • He/she will provide all management bodies with regular, independent, and objective assessments and audits on financial, accounting, operational, administrative and other activities, including identification of avenues to improve operational accountability and effectiveness.
  • Prepare flexible audit plan using a risk-identification-based methodology and recommending ways of mitigating them;
  • Ensure the proper functioning of the internal control systems established by the Bank in order to safeguard its assets and make recommendations to correct deficiencies;
  • Implement the annual audit plan as approved, and report periodically on progress and results;
  • Audit activities and programs of EBID, including services provided by external service-providers;
  • Conduct audits, operational, administrative and Information Technology financial, including projects and programs financed by the Bank;
  • Meet any request made by the Head of the Institution or the Audit Committee and provide advice and guidance to Management;
  • Maintain a system of continuous monitoring for the effectiveness of the measures taken by the Management to implement recommendations of the Internal Audit and the External Auditors;
  • Conduct audit activities in strict compliance with international standards;
  • Work with the External Auditor to ensure the best audit service for the Bank;
  • Represent the Director in working groups and committees;
  • Supervise the implementation of the annual internal audit work plan, as approved, including, where appropriate, tasks or missions requested by the President and/or the Audit Committee;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by the Director or Management.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree in Accounting from a recognized University or a professional qualification (Chartered Accountant) from an Accountancy Institute recognized by the International Federation of Accountants;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years working experience in an Internationally recognized Audit and/or Chartered Accountancy Firm or an International financial institution;
  • Good knowledge of financial and economic analysis of projects;
  • Ability to propose relevant analytical solutions leading to concrete plans of action;
  • Must possess good interpersonal and communication skills. Must also have good analytical and writing skills, and be attentive to detail;
  • Ability to lead a team in a multicultural environment;
  • Ability to impart knowledge, delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;
  • Ability to prepare clear, concise and accurate reports as well as specialized working notes on financial issues;
  • Good organizational and communication skills;
  • Good physical condition to be able to participate in field missions.

Job Title: Head of Division General Services and Estate

Grade: P5-1
Location: Togo

  • Reporting to the Director of the Department of Administration, the Head of Division shall define, propose and implement the norms and procedures for the management and maintenance of the buildings and related installations of the Bank.
  • He/she shall also be responsible for the procurement of goods and services.
  • Supervise the procurement of goods and services in line with the provisions of the basic texts and ensure that the goods and services provided conform to specification;
  • Ensure that insurance cover is provided against risks to movable and immovable property at the headquarters of the Bank and in official residences provided by the Bank;
  • Prepare, negotiate, and propose, in collaboration with the other departments, service contracts relating to security and maintenance, manage and monitor the implementation of the contracts and ensure the service providers assume their contractual obligations;
  • Prepare, propose and implement policies and procedures regarding the allocation and management of offices and the residences of the Bank;
  • Develop, propose, and put in place a conservation and inventory system for goods and stock of the Bank;
  • Put in place and manage a system for the supply of office furnishings for all the departments of the Bank in accordance with the needs made in the budget allocation;
  • Put in place and manage a control and security system for the headquarters of the Bank and at the official residences provided by the Bank;
  • Provide supervision in the Management of the vehicle fleet of the Bank;
  • Ensure the safety of goods and persons;
  • Organize and manage the means of communication, switch board and reception services of the Bank;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Required Profile
  • Master's Degree or its equivalent in Public Administration, Engineering or other related field from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years working experience in Assets management and supply management in a large public organization;
  • Proficiency in procurement practices;
  • A sound working knowledge of security best practices and laws governing security management;
  • Good drafting skills for reports and experience in preparing business dossiers;
  • Excellent analytical and review skills, organizational capability;
  • Good knowledge of budget preparation and the monitoring of expenditure;
  • Should have initiative and capacity to take decisions in dangerous and risky situations;
  • Excellent communication skills, influencing, negotiating, engagement skills and decision making skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure and to bring situations under control;
  • Be analytical and proactive;
  • Ability to manage a team in a multicultural environment, delegate duties and responsibilities, impart knowledge, supervise and take decisions;

Job Title: Head of Division, Loan Administration

Grade P5-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Director of Finance, the Head of Division, Loan Administration shall be responsible for administering loans and providing advice on all matters relating to loans.
  • He/she will also be responsible for the subsidiary accounts of the commitments of the Bank.
  • Appraise disbursement requests in respect of loan operations;
  • Participate in negotiations on loans, equity participation and technical assistance;
  • Keep and update the commitments ledger of the Bank;
  • Prepare provisional and final loan amortization tables;
  • Keep the subsidiary accounts of the commitments of the Bank;
  • Monitor the recovery and maturity of loans;
  • Prepare weekly, monthly and quarterly statements on the situation of clients and arrears;
  • Prepare annual report on the situation of the Bank’s portfolio;
  • Prepare and submit report on the situation of recovery of loans;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree in Accounting from a recognized University or a professional qualification from an Accountancy Institute recognized by the International Federation of Accountants;
  • Minimum of ten (10) years minimum professional experience, preferably in the area of loans administration, financial risk management or any other comparable experience;
  • Experience in the banking/insurance or experience acquired in a consultancy firm would be an advantage;
  • Sound knowledge of the dynamics of capital markets, financial instruments, foreign exchange operations and its attendant risks;
  • Ability to prepare clear, concise and accurate reports, as well as specialized working notes on financial issues;
  • Ability to negotiate and possess sound communication skills;
  • Result oriented and sound analytical skills;
  • Ability to manage a team in a multicultural environment;
  • Ability to impart knowledge, delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;
  • Sense of organization and ability to work in a team.

Job Title: Director of Audit and Evaluation of Operation Department

Grade D1-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Director of Internal Audit and Evaluation of Operations shall be responsible for the audit of the activities and programmes of EBID including the services provided by consultants.
  • Formulate and implement strategies to monitor the activities and operations of EBID in order to ensure compliance with best practices;
  • Supervise all the activities of the Bank and make recommendations aimed at improving internal control measures;
  • Evaluate the operations and projects financed by the Bank;
  • Prepare a flexible audit plan using methodology based on risk identification;
  • See to the proper functioning of internal control mechanisms put in place by the Bank in order to protect its assets and make recommendations aimed at correcting shortcomings of the system;
  • Implement approved annual audit plan and prepare periodic reports on the status of implementation of the plan and results obtained;
  • Carry out administrative, operational, financial and information systems audit of the Bank, as well as audit of the projects and programmes financed by the Bank;
  • Comply with all audit requests from the Head of the Institution or the Audit Committee, advice and make recommendations to Management;
  • Put in place a system to permanently monitor measures taken by Management to implement the recommendations of the Audit Committee and those of the External Auditors;
  • Prepare relevant guidelines on internal auditing;
  • Work with the External Auditors to ensure efficient audit service at the Bank;
  • Carry out other duties assigned by Management.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's Degree in Finance, Accounting or equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Membership of a professional body such as: ACCA, ACA, etc. will be an added advantage;
  • At least twelve (12) years minimum professional experience, preferably in experience in an Internationally recognized Audit and/or Chartered Accountancy Firm or an International financial institution;
  • Familiar with financial and economic analysis of projects;
  • Good negotiation skills and sound communication skills;
  • Ability to manage a team in a multicultural environment.

Job Title: Director of Risk Analysis Department

Grade D1-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the President of the Bank, the Director of Risk Analysis shall propose and promote appropriate framework for comprehensive management of risks.
  • Recommend and put in place mechanisms for identifying and assessing risks to which the Bank may be exposed
  • Prepare risk map and make appropriate recommendations in respect of risks identified;
  • Analyze the performance of the clients of the Bank in order to assess the risks that the Bank faces vis-a-vis the clients and to rate the risks;
  • Carryout in-depth analysis of the Bank’s operations in all the sectors of intervention using the financial statements as basis;
  • Advice Management when decisions are taken on the enhancement of risk analysis, implementation of recommendations on risk control and the establishment of reporting mechanism;
  • Assess the risk management process of the Bank and make recommendations on their improvement;
  • Monitor the management of the Bank’s portfolio, assets and liabilities formulation of prudential ratios;
  • Formulation of prudential ratios;
  • Analyze investment projects and prepare the risk profile of the loans portfolio;
  • Carry out all other duties assigned by Management.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree in Finance, Accounting or equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of twelve (12) years professional experience in the analysis and management of banking risks;
  • Ability to identify, analyze risks and prepare financial projections;
  • Ability to calculate and control risk ratios and procedures;
  • Good analytical mind, sense of organization and ability to work in a team;
  • Ability to manage a team in a multi-cultural environment;
  • Ability to develop good relationships with other staff members and to impart knowledge;
  • Capacity to delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;
  • Excellent analytical and review skills as well as organizational capacity;
  • Good physical condition to enable participation in field missions.

Job Title: Director of Finance Department

Grade D1-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Vice President Finance and Corporate Services, the Director of Finance and Accounts shall define and implement the financial strategy of the Bank.
  • He/she shall prepare budget statements and carryout financial and accounting management of the Bank.
  • Define and implement the financial strategy of the Bank;
  • Advice the Bank on the dynamics of capital markets;
  • Prepare budget statements, carry out financial and accounting management of the Bank;
  • Oversee loans, coordinate the analysis and review of financial and non-financial information which will serve as data banks for the decision making bodies of the Bank;
  • Supervise the preparation of annual reports on the situation of the Bank’s portfolio;
  • Supervise the annual budget preparation for the Bank;
  • Supervise and monitor the recovery and maturity of loans;
  • Perform all other duties assigned by Management.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree in Finance, Accounting or equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Membership of a professional body such as: ACCA, ACA, etc. will be an added advantage;
  • Minimum of twelve (12) years professional experience, preferably in the area of finance, financial risk management or any other comparable experience;
  • Working experience in the banking/insurance or experience acquired in a consultancy firm would be an advantage;
  • Familiarity with the dynamics of capital markets, financial instruments, foreign exchange operations and its attendant risks;
  • Ability to prepare clear, concise and accurate reports, as well as specialize working notes on financial issues;
  • Good negotiation skills and sound communication skills;
  • Ability to manage a team in a multicultural environment;
  • Ability to impart knowledge, to delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;
  • Sense of organization and ability to work in a team.

Job Title: Director of Private Sector Operations Department

Grade D1-1
Location: Togo

Job summary
  • Reporting to the Vice-President in charge of Operations, the Director of Private Sector Operations shall contribute to the establishment of a system for identification, planning, budgeting and appraisal of public sector projects, especially regional integration projects.
  • Institute a system identification, planning, budgeting of private sector project appraisals, with priority on integrator-oriented projects ;
  • Lead initiatives to support efforts of Member Counties aimed at infrastructure development through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) ;
  • Define appropriate project appraisal methodology as well as its mode of implementation ;
  • Supervise and monitor the implementation of private sector projects in terms of studies, financing, and execution;
  • Lead project identification, preparation and appraisal missions;
  • Supervise the process of selection of projects for appraisal and implementation;
  • Prepare project appraisal reports as well as reports on loan proposals for submission to the decision-making bodies of the Bank;
  • Plan and coordinate the approval of conditions precedent and submission of documents required for actual disbursement of commitments for projects;
  • Monitor and supervise projects financed by the Bank;
  • Ensure actual implementation of controls of internal process of all private sector projects ;
  • Contribute to increasing the number of projects in the Bank’s pipeline;
  • Perform all other duties assigned by Management
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree or its equivalent in Economics, Finance, Management, Business Administration, in the banking or any other related field, or equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of twelve (12) years working experience in private sector development preferably in a similar institution and/or an investment or commercial bank;
  • Sound knowledge of preparation of investment projects, feasibility studies, and documents for the award of contracts;
  • Knowledge of financial and economic analysis of projects;
  • Sound knowledge of portfolio and investment management techniques; and thorough knowledge of strategies, policies and processes and practices of similar institutions;
  • Ability to manage a team in a multi-cultural environment;
  • Ability to develop good relationships with other staff members and to impart knowledge;
  • Capacity to delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;
  • Excellent analytical and review skills, sense of organization and ability to work in a team;
  • Sound physical condition to be able to participate in field missions.

Job Title: Director of Public Sector Operations

Grade D1-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Vice-President in charge of Operations, the Director of Public Sector Operations shall contribute to the establishment of a system for identification, planning, budgeting and appraisal of public sector projects, especially regional integration projects.
  • Identify the development potential and opportunities inherent in agricultural, rural development, basic infrastructure (transport, energy, telecommunication, town planning, health and education) and social (education, health, social welfare) projects;
  • Define appropriate project appraisal methodology as well as its mode of implementation;
  • Supervise and monitor the implementation of public sector projects in terms of studies, financing, and execution;
  • Lead project identification, preparation and appraisal missions;
  • Supervise the process of selection of projects for appraisal and implementation;
  • Prepare project appraisal reports as well as reports on loan proposals for submission to the decision-making bodies of the Bank;
  • Monitor and supervise projects financed by the Bank;
  • Contribute to the increase in the number of projects in the pipeline of the Bank;
  • Perform all other duties assigned by Management.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree or its equivalent in Economics, Finance, Civil Engineering (Projects Management, Public Works) or any related field, or equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of twelve (12) years professional experience in a national or international institution specializing in the execution or financing of large-scale infrastructure projects (road, maritime, port or airport);
  • Good knowledge of preparation of investment projects, feasibility studies, and documents for the award of contracts;
  • Good knowledge of financial and economic analysis of projects;
  • Good knowledge of the public infrastructure environment in West Africa, its opportunities and challenges;
  • Ability to manage a team in a multi-cultural environment;
  • Ability to develop good relationships with other staff members and to impart knowledge;
  • Ability to delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;
  • Excellent analytical and review skills, sense of organization and ability to work in a team;
  • Sound physical condition to enable participation in all missions.

Job Title: Director of Legal and Corporate Services Department

Grade D1-1
Location: Togo

Job summary
  • Reporting to the Vice-President in charge of Finance and Corporate Services, the Director of Legal and Corporate Services shall monitor, coordinate, and organize the activities of the Legal and Corporate Affairs Department, comprising the Legal Affairs, and, the Communication and Marketing Divisions.
  • Contribute to the development of the Bank's vision, legal and corporate policy, and ensure their implementation once they are adopted by the decision-making bodies;
  • Coordinate and manage the activities of the department in line with the Bank’s orientations;
  • Ensure the legal certainty of the Bank and its various activities;
  • Analyze and evaluate the legal risks relating to the Bank’s interventions and advise on their implementation;
  • Supervise the drafting, analysis, and interpretation of legal acts and ensure their consistency;
  • Manage debt recovery, pre-litigation and litigation dossiers;
  • Defend the interest of the Bank before different courts and tribunals, in close collaboration with the Bank's External Legal counsels;
  • Participate in the drafting of the Bank’s operating procedures;
  • Provide legal intelligence and anticipate the impacts of all normative developments on the Bank and its activities;
  • Carry out decision advisory and support mission for the Bank's top management and all the operational departments;
  • Contribute to the preparation of meetings of the Bank's decision-making bodies;
  • Anticipate and prevent the occurrence of operational and non-compliance risks by taking adequate measures;
  • Ensure compliance with the International Mechanism against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing;
  • Supervise, mentor and assess staff under his/her responsibility;
  • Develop the Bank's internal and external communication policy;
  • Ensure publication of the Bank’s annual reports, President’s activity report and all other information documents;
  • Coordinate the production and publication of all media vehicles for advertising the Bank, its policies, its areas of operation, terms and conditions of intervention as well as its activities;
  • Contribute to the building and promotion of the institutions brand image;
  • Perform any other duties assigned by Management.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree in Law from a recognized University or equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of twelve (12) years working experience preferably in a legal division of Investment and/or, development bank or a Law firm;
  • Minimum of five (5) years relevant experience managing a legal department;
  • High competencies in project financing (project appraisal, legal arrangements, drafting guarantee agreements and acts, etc.);
  • Vast experience in Corporate Communications
  • Very good analytical skills that lead to relevant solutions and concrete action plans;
  • Excellent drafting skills;
  • Strong sense of responsibility, discipline and organization;
  • Team player, attentive listener, quick learner and ability to adapt;
  • Ability to initiate and manage innovations and changes;
  • Ability to work under pressure and manage a team in a multicultural environment;

Job Title: Director of ICT, Organisation and Methods Department

Grade D1-1
Location: Togo

Job Summary
  • Reporting to the Vice President in charge of Finance and Corporate Services, the Director of IT, Organization and Methods shall be responsible for the implementation of the Bank’s IT policy, and IT plan by coordinating, supervising and organizing activities relating to the Information Systems and Technologies of the Bank.
  • Implement and monitor the IT policy of the Bank in line with the IT master plan;
  • Define and implement IT methods, norms and standards;
  • Plan, direct, organize and supervise the overall activities of the department;
  • Ensure the implementation of policies, procedures and strategies governing the use of computers and office equipment;
  • Identify and develop new systems for processing information to meet the needs of the Bank;
  • Plan, procure and ensure the installation and maintenance of all IT equipment and peripherals and operating systems;
  • Identify and assess the Bank’s IT needs in collaboration with all the Departments;
  • Ensure the administration of systems, servers and all computers of the Bank;
  • Advise Management of the Bank on all matters relating to IT;
  • Participate actively in all activities of the Bank’s website Editorial Board;
  • Consider the establishment of cost/benefit ratio of existing or proposed operating and management systems;
  • Supervise and monitor the implementation of the IT policy on the updating of computer software and equipment and also ensure their safety.
  • Design and maintain a plan of data storage as well as an emergency plan that prevents work interruption in the event of breakdown of the main server;
  • Perform any other duty assigned by Management
Qualifications, Experience and Skills
  • Master's degree in Computer Science/Engineering, or equivalent certificate from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution;
  • Minimum of twelve (12) years professional experience in Information Technology preferably in a banking institution in which large scale projects have been carried out conclusively;
  • Ability to think strategically in the implementation of IT programs;
  • Vast experience in planning and executing major IT programs and projects;
  • Mastery of Software Engineering concepts and technologies and be conversant with relational and object oriented database concepts and their implementation;
  • Ability to use tools or languages such as HTML, ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, WEB2.0, C#, C++, and JAVASCRIPT will be an added advantage;
  • Sound knowledge in the application of processing tools such as: Oracle, XML, and WEB SERVICES will be highly desirable;
  • Excellent knowledge of the Internet and of related technologies is imperative ;
  • Analytical mind, sense of organization and ability to work in a multicultural environment and capacity to accommodate cultural differences;
  • Ability to take initiative, well-disciplined and able to work under pressure;
  • Ability to manage a team in a multi-cultural environment, ability to develop good relationships with other staff members, impart knowledge and be able to delegate duties and responsibilities, supervise and take decisions;

General Requirements
Candidates must:
  • Be citizens of ECOWAS Member States;
  • Not be above 45 years of age;
  • Be computer literate (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint)
  • Be fluent in French and/or English and/or Portuguese, and proficient in one of the other two languages.

How to Apply

Interested and qualified candidates should send or deliver their applications and CV's in sealed envelope, marked " 2015 Recruitment Exercise" and state the position applied to the address below:
ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID)
Department of Administration and Human Resources
128, Bd. du 13 Janvier,
BP 2704,

Application must include
  • A detailed curriculum vitae;
  • A letter of interest;
  • Copies of degrees or certificates;
  • Copy of identity card or passport;
  • Copy of birth certificate.
Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for a test. EBID reserves the right to stop further action on this job vacancy notice

Application Deadline  17h00 GMT; 30th June, 2015.