Job Descriptions

Printmaker Job Description

What is the job description of a Printmaker? What are the duties and responsibilities of a Printmaker? What does a Printmaker do?

Job description of a Printmaker

A printmaker uses techniques such as woodcuts or silk-screens to create images which are transposed onto surfaces, generally using a printing press. Printmakers design the prints themselves and are increasingly using electronic or digital printing processes alongside more traditional craft-based methods. This has increased collaborative working with computer artists.

This Printmaker job description example includes the list of most important Printmaker duties and responsibilities as shown below. It can be modified to fit the specific Printmaker profile you're trying to fill as a recruiter or job seeker.

Printmaker Duties and Responsibilities

Printmaker job description should contain a variety of functions and roles including:

  • Using printmaking techniques such as etching, screen printing, lithography, relief printing (e.g. woodcut, linocut), and computer-generated images to produce prints;
  • Printing on a variety of surfaces, e.g. plastics, metal, glass, textiles, wood and paper;
  • Responding to a client’s brief;
  • Advising clients on the technical aspects of production;
  • Producing prints to specifications, for example when working as a master printer for artists;
  • Producing multiple copies of an artist’s work, otherwise known as editioning;
  • Being aware of and following health and safety procedures.

Printmaker Requirements / Skills / Qualifications

Printmaker job description should include these common skills and qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree in fine arts/visual art or other relevant discipline
  • Ability to find creative ways of producing work that will meet client specifications
  • Good understanding of the properties of the different materials used for printing
  • Dexterity, to handle a range of printmaking equipment
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to set and achieve goals

As a hiring manager, recruiting an ideal Printmaker starts with crafting a good job description. Use this Printmaker job description template to save yourself time and help you attract the most qualified candidates. Feel free to revise it to meet your specific needs.

Job seekers interviewing for the role of a Printmaker may also reference it in preparation for the interview.