Production Runner Duties & Responsibilities

The role and function of a Production Runner includes the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Undertaking basic research;
  • Keeping the set clean and tidy;
  • Hiring props;
  • Making arrangements for staff on location, such as booking meeting rooms or ordering food;
  • Ordering stock;
  • Making and handing out tea, coffee and lunches;
  • Fetching and carrying items, such as equipment, tapes, cable and scripts;
  • Transcribing production tapes;
  • Picking up cast for make-up calls;
  • Transporting cast, crew and production staff between offices, studios and shoot locations;
  • Answering the telephone;
  • Photocopying and undertaking general administrative work;
  • Taking care of petty cash;
  • Looking after studio guests;
  • Driving cars, vans or trucks between locations and around sets;
  • Helping set up a location for a shoot;
  • Writing down shot lists;
  • Using maps, tapes and clapper boards, and other film and television production equipment.
  • Handing out post and messages to colleagues within the production team;
  • Delivering post to local clients;
  • Sorting out the kit bags, for example checking that the camera bag contains all the necessary items;

Note that this is not an exhaustive list of Production Runner duties and responsibilities. Job functions for specific Production Runner roles may vary, depending on the industry and type of employer.

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