Stage Manager Duties & Responsibilities

The role and function of a Stage Manager includes the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Arranging costume and wig fittings;
  • Distributing information to other theatre departments;
  • Setting up and running rehearsal schedules;
  • Procuring all props, furniture and set dressings. In small companies, the theatre stage manager may also assist in set construction;
  • Managing the props and possibly the design budgets and liaising with the production manager regarding costs;
  • Ensuring the company’s welfare and maintaining a good working knowledge of all relevant health and safety, legislation and good working practice;
  • Running the backstage and onstage areas during performances;
  • Liaising with the director, stage personnel and other technical departments, e.g. costume, lighting, sound;
  • Supervising the ‘get in’ to the theatre, when the set, lighting and sound are installed, and the ‘get out’, when all the equipment is removed;
  • Compiling and operating prompt copy – also known as the ‘prompt script’ or ‘the book’ – which notes actors’ moves and the requirements for props, lighting and sound;
  • Making changes to the set between scene changes, prompting actors and cueing technicians;
  • Calling actors for rehearsals and performances;
  • During a long run, maintaining and replacing props and costumes as required;
  • Liaising with resident staff at other performance venues (if touring).

Note that this is not an exhaustive list of Stage Manager duties and responsibilities. Job functions for specific Stage Manager roles may vary, depending on the industry and type of employer.

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