
Leave Extension Letter

A leave extension letter or application, as the name suggests, is what you should write when you want to prolong your leave, usually, due to unforeseen circumstances. It is a professional way of informing your superiors and colleagues at work about your extended break, so they can prepare themselves for taking care of daily functioning in your absence. Given below are some sample leave extension letters:  

Leave Extension Letter (Sample #1)

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State] [Current Date]
[Your Supervisor's Title or Human Resources Department], [Company Name] [Company Address] [Company City and State] Dear Sir, As you are aware, I am currently on Maternity leave for a period of twelve weeks which commenced from [Start Date]. Due to certain unforeseen Gynecological complications I have been advised to take complete bed rest for some more time. In view of this, I wish to apply for an extension of leave for a period of four weeks. As I have not availed my annual leave, I would like this extended leave to be considered as the Annual Leave. I therefore humbly request you to kindly extend my leave from [Extension Start Date] to [Extension End Date]. I have enclosed all relevant medical documents required for my application. I await your approval. Thanking You. Yours sincerely, [Your name]

Letter for Leave Extension (Sample #2)

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State] [Current Date]
[Your Supervisor's Title or Human Resources Department], [Company Name] [Company Address] [Company City and State] Dear [Supervisor's name], I am writing to bring to your attention my current sick leave status. I have been off from work for the past ten days owing to the accident I had. However, despite the bed rest and medication, there has not been much improvement with regard to the pain and difficulties with movement. The doctor has advised me to undergo a minor surgery, which will be scheduled early next week. For this purpose, I need leave for at least two more weeks, starting from (starting date) till (end date). I am attaching the necessary doctors' reports with this email. I have also been in constant contact with my colleagues who are covering my shifts at work and there have been no major issues yet. However, I deeply apologize for the inconvenience I may be causing. I hope you will empathize with my situation and grant me this leave extension. Sincerely, [Your name].

Letter for Leave Extension (Sample #3)

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State] [Current Date]
[Your Supervisor's Title or Human Resources Department], [Company Name] [Company Address] [Company City and State] Dear [Supervisor's name], This is to bring to your kind attention that my back pain has worsened and doctors have advised me to be in their supervision for seven days. Consequently, I would like to extend my leave days from [Extension Start Date] to [Extension End Date] to enable me recover completely. I have spoken to [Colleague's Name] and he will submit the weekly project report. I hope you will understand my situation and grant my leave extension request. Thanking you. Yours sincerely, [Your name].

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