
Letter of Absence from Work Due to Illness

As humans, sickness is inevitable. And when it comes, the proper and reasonable thing to do is to take a leave from work in order to take care of our body as only the living pays the bills. In such cases, professional etiquette demands that you write an absence/leave letter to your work place informing them of your illness and absence from work.  

Letter of Absence from Work Due to Sickness (Sample #1)

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State] [Current Date]
[Your Supervisor's Title or Human Resources Department], [Company Name] [Company Address] [Company City and State] Dear Sir, I am down with malaria and will not be coming to work on Monday, [Date], so I can take some medication, rest and recover. I have asked [Colleague's name] to check on my clients to ensure all of their needs are met and [other colleague's name] will prepare the report for our Monday meeting. Please never hesitate to email me if you need anything urgent. Thank you, [Your name]

Letter of Absence from Work Due to Illness (Sample #2)

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State] [Current Date]
[Your Supervisor's Title or Human Resources Department], [Company Name] [Company Address] [Company City and State] Dear [Supervisor's name], Please accept this letter as written notification that I was unable to attend work on Monday, [absence date] due to sickness. I was ill and unable to report to work on that date. Please let me know if I can provide any further information. Sincerely, [Your name].

Letter of Absence from Work Due to Illness (Sample #3)

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State] [Current Date]
[Your Supervisor's Title or Human Resources Department], [Company Name] [Company Address] [Company City and State] Dear [Supervisor's name], Please accept this letter as documentation of my absence from [absence start date] through [absence end date] due to sickness. I have included my doctor’s report detailing his recommendation for hospital treatment due to complications from food poisoning. I have also enclosed the hospital discharge instructions. If I can provide any additional information, please let me know. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, [Your name].

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