
Sick Leave Letter

The human body is as same as a complex machinery. A person is considered to be healthy if he is able to perform physically, mentally and socially well. Sick leave letter is a formal document written by an employee to his/her employer requesting for a leave because of sickness. A well written sick leave letter will convey information about your unfortunate situation to the employer so that adequate measures can be taken. In a Sick Leave Letter, the details of the illness are explained in a brief manner and it also does state, for what period of time you won’t be able to make yourself available for work at the office. Documents validating the medical reasons specified in the letter are often enclosed with such a letter. A Sick Leave may be taken by an employee as and when required and could be for any short illness, for example when a day off is required to recover from malaria, a cold or flu. In such cases,  subject to the Workmen's Compensation Act of Nigeria, workers are entitled to a maximum of twelve working days of paid sick leave. Sickness must be certified by the registered medical practitioner. Unlike medical leave, Sick leave is fully paid leave and is calculated as workers’ basic wage that is exclusive of overtime pay and other allowances. Find below, sample application letters for  sick leave.  

Sick Leave Letter (Sample #1)

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State] [Current Date]
[Your Supervisor’s Title], [Company Name] [Company Address] [Company City and State] Dear Sir, I am writing this letter to inform you that I need to take a sick leave from work due to a severe throat infection. I will need to remain off work  from [Leave Start Date] until [Leave End Date], bringing my total sick leave to one week. A letter from my doctor is attached to confirm I need the time off to properly recover without risking my health or the health of my co-workers. I apologize for any inconvenience due to my absence from work. I should, however, be able to occasionally check my email and do some work, including a few projects I had almost completed before becoming sick, from home when possible until I come back to the office. When I return on [Return Date], I fully intend to do my best to catch up on any work I missed during my absence. Please let me know if you need further verification from my doctor. If I should require additional time off, I will let you know as soon as possible. Feel free to contact me at your convenience should you have any questions or require clarification regarding my sick leave request. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sick Leave Letter (Sample #2)

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State] [Current Date]
[Your Supervisor’s Title], [Company Name] [Company Address] [Company City and State] Dear Sir, I would like to bring to your kind attention that my medical reports have detected [specify ailment]. I have been advised by my doctor to be on bed rest for [Specify period]. Please find my medical reports enclosed, for your reference. I am writing this letter to officially inform you about my illness and request for sick leave. I have handed over my work to [Name of co-worker], who will be keeping the files updated in my absence. I would kindly request you to grant me leave from [Start date]. I would be reporting back on [Resumption Date]. Sincerely, [Your Name]

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