Job Descriptions

Pricing Analyst Job Description

What is the job description of a Pricing Analyst? What are the duties and responsibilities of a Pricing Analyst? What does a Pricing Analyst do?

Job description of a Pricing Analyst

Pricing analysts help businesses determine competitive pricing strategies to gain market share and achieve revenue goals. They analyze data from multiple sources, develop complex pricing models, and collaborate with sales and marketing teams to develop sales strategies.

This Pricing Analyst job description example includes the list of most important Pricing Analyst duties and responsibilities as shown below. It can be modified to fit the specific Pricing Analyst profile you're trying to fill as a recruiter or job seeker.

Pricing Analyst Duties and Responsibilities

Pricing Analyst job description should contain a variety of functions and roles including:

  • Assessing data from a variety of sources to gain insights into pricing strategies and market trends.
  • Analyzing competitor pricing and market trends to increase market share and profitability.
  • Tracking customer engagement to develop effective pricing strategies for products and offerings.
  • Forecasting revenue and market share based on market trends, production costs, profit margins, and sales volumes.
  • Collaborating with sales and marketing departments on developing and implementing competitive pricing strategies.
  • Developing dynamic pricing tools to effectively respond to changing market needs and trends.
  • Applying statistical modeling methods to determine the potential impact of pricing strategies on profitability.
  • Recommending pricing strategies that align closely with market trends and identifying new market segments.
  • Preparing and presenting pricing analysis findings to executives, marketing teams, and sales staff.
  • Keeping informed on pricing analysis methods and industry trends.

Pricing Analyst Requirements / Skills / Qualifications

Pricing Analyst job description should include these common skills and qualifications:

  • A Bachelor's degree in mathematics, statistics, finance, economics, or in a related field.
  • A Master’s degree in business administration will be advantageous.
  • A minimum of five years' experience as a pricing analyst in a similar industry.
  • Experience in collaborating on pricing strategies with sales and marketing departments.
  • Ability to keep abreast of industry trends and develop dynamic pricing tools.
  • Advanced ability to present pricing analysis reports to relevant stakeholders.
  • Excellent analytical and communication skills.
  • Proficiency in business intelligence (BI) software, such as Sisense and InetSoft Style Intelligence.
  • In-depth knowledge of statistical methods and data analysis.
  • Extensive experience in analyzing pricing strategies and forecasting revenue and market share.

As a hiring manager, recruiting an ideal Pricing Analyst starts with crafting a good job description. Use this Pricing Analyst job description template to save yourself time and help you attract the most qualified candidates. Feel free to revise it to meet your specific needs.

Job seekers interviewing for the role of a Pricing Analyst may also reference it in preparation for the interview.