Vice Principal Duties & Responsibilities

The role and function of a Vice Principal includes the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Liaising with various departments and forwarding any issues or suggestions to the Principal.
  • Helping with the development and review of budgets, school policies, and rules and regulations.
  • Attending and participating in meetings with staff, parents, and other officials.
  • Sitting in on disciplinary hearings and providing advice for at-risk students.
  • Updating student and school records.
  • Addressing concerns raised by students, staff, and parents.
  • Remaining active and visible on field trips and during school functions.
  • Assisting with recruitment, training, and onboarding of all new staff.
  • Planning and organizing school events and field trips as well as assisting with various committees.
  • Establishing rapport and maintaining relationships with parents, staff, and students.

Note that this is not an exhaustive list of Vice Principal duties and responsibilities. Job functions for specific Vice Principal roles may vary, depending on the industry and type of employer.

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