Common Interview Questions and Answers

Interviews are an invaluable opportunity for employers to learn about a candidate. Effective interview questions help hiring managers learn about the candidates — who they are, how they work and whether they’ll make a good fit for the company.

As a job seeker, there’s no way to know for sure what questions will be asked in a job interview. Every interviewer is different and their questions may vary. However, there are several common interview questions you can expect to be asked. Understanding how to answer these popular interview questions and repeatedly rehearsing your answers before your interview will help you build confidence and respond effectively to the interview questions.

Whether you are preparing to interview a candidate or preparing to be interviewed as a candidate, this guide will surely help you equip yourself for a job interview session.

Below is a comprehensive list of regular and frequently asked interview questions. Click on each interview question to see how to answer them.

‘What is your greatest accomplishment?’ is one of the most challenging common interview questions you can expect during a job interview.

Similar ways interviewers can ask this question include: What is your biggest achievement?, What is your proudest accomplishment?, What is the proudest moment in your life?, What were the biggest wins in your most recent role?, What is a professional achievement you’re most proud of?, What is proudest professional accomplishment? etc.

If your interviewer asks you this question about your proudest or greatest accomplishment(s), consider yourself lucky.

They are giving you the opportunity to choose a story you want to highlight in the interview and really want to know what sets you apart from other qualified candidates, and also to get a better sense of what you’ve done and what you value.

It is the perfect opportunity to talk about your most impressive achievement...

Read more at What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?

A common question for interviewers to ask is "Are you a leader or a follower?" When an interviewer asks if you are a leader or a follower, it might be tempting just to respond that you are a leader, since taking on responsibilities sounds like what a potential employer would want.

However, a hiring manager is looking for something more complex. He or she is trying to see if you are versatile and are willing to assume different roles based on what the company needs.

As you are answering this interview question, it is important to talk about past experiences that show you display characteristics of both a leader and a follower. Remember, both options have negative connotations:

  • Follower – Someone that can’t think for themselves or take charge when needed.
  • Leader – Someone that can’t take orders.

Therefore, every organization values some leadership qualities but wants someone who will f...

Read more at Are You a Leader or a Follower?

As a job interview draws to an end, it's common for the interviewer(s) to ask, "Do you have any questions for us?". While it's tempting to answer with a polite "No thanks," you should always ask questions.

In fact, interviewers expect you to ask questions — to assess your interest in the role, see if you've been listening, and determine if you've researched the company. If you don't ask questions, the interviewer might think you haven't done your homework or aren't interested in the opportunity.

Therefore, it makes sense to plan for it in advance and be prepared. Having a few quality questions prepared will ensure you're ready for this question and can help set you apart from the competition.

In this article, we discuss the types of questions to ask and the types of questions to avoid when asked "Do you have any questions for us?".

How to Answer &quo...

Read more at Do You Have Any Questions for Us?

Most potential employers will ask you the question “Why do you want to leave your current job?” 

This question can also be phrased in the following ways: “Why do you want to change jobs?”, “Why do you want to change your current job?”, “Why are you looking for a new job?”, “Why did you leave your last job?”.

The most obvious reasons for asking this interview question? To find out if you’re a good employee or a bad employee and to assess whether you are a flight-risk or someone who will stick around and align yourself with the company’s mission. This is one of those tricky behavioral interview questions.

It's one of the most common interview questions, yet it often leaves candidates stumped. While it may seem like an opportunity to be dismissive against your current employer, this is highly unlikely to paint you in a good light. P...

Read more at Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job?

No human being is flawless. We all have weaknesses. Little wonder recruiters ask the common interview question - “What is your greatest weakness?”.

So what exactly is the right way to answer this interview question? Are you supposed to deny that you have a flaw? Or go all confession time on recruiters and share your biggest and most genuine weaknesses?  

The answer is neither. What you do is turn the situation to your advantage by framing your weaknesses positively. You don't want to cast any doubt on your ability to do the job.

You don't want to respond, "I tend to work too hard," or "I am too much of a perfectionist." That can easily come across as scripted and insincere at best and lacking in self-awareness at worst. Alternatively, you don't want to respond with weaknesses that will prevent you from succeeding in the role. For instance, if you're applying to be a project manager,...

Read more at What is Your Greatest Weakness?

It’s natural to want to be paid fairly for your work. And yet discussing your salary expectation with a hiring manager who has way more inside information than you, can feel very unnerving. “What is your salary expectation?” is a straightforward question and yet the answer is so complex. It's difficult to know what to say (and what not to say) so that you receive a job offer that's a win for both yourself and the company.

You should go into every interview with your salary expectations in mind. By researching and preparing an answer ahead of time, you can demonstrate to the employer that you're not only flexible with your salary, but you also know what you're worth. We recommend checking industry salary reports online and tapping into your network to help you negotiate your worth in the labour market.

In this article, we explore why employers ask about your salary expectati...

Read more at What is Your Salary Expectation?

"What is your greatest strength?" may seem like an easy job interview question. However, for many candidates it can be tricky—either they're too modest in their response or they don't highlight those strengths that most closely match the job requirements. Many candidates are unsure about how to answer this question. It’s important to be prepared for this question and have an answer ready. Even if you aren’t asked this question, you will be aware of your strengths and what you can bring to the position.

In this article, you'll find a guide on how to answer the interview question about your greatest strengths, and what—and what not—to say when you respond, with example answers too.

How to answer “What is your greatest strength?” interview question

Your strengths reveal a lot about you as a candidate. When you are asked questions about your strengths, discuss attributes that w...

Read more at What is Your Greatest Strength?

One of the most commonly-asked interview questions is "Why do you want this job?" or its variations, “Why are you interested in this position?”, “Why do you want to work here?”. Knowing how to answer this interview question successfully can greatly impact the impression you leave on your interviewer.

In this article, we will discuss why employers ask this question, how you can answer it and show you concrete examples of effective answers to this common interview question.

How to answer “why do you want this job” interview question

Answering this interview question can be a surprisingly tricky one, especially if you try to answer it without thinking about who your audience is and what they really want to know. If you want to learn how best to answer this question, you will need to consider both the needs of the company and your own career goals.

When asked the interview question "Why do you w...

Read more at Why Do You Want This Job?

The interviewer’s job is to hire the best candidate for a job role. Most of the candidates that make it to the interview stage are qualified for the job. So merely having the qualifications won’t be enough to separate you from the crowd.

Once you’ve been invited to the interview, it mostly comes down to a battle of who can sell themselves better. The better you are at convincing (or selling yourself), the greater the chances that you will be the one to get the job.

So, let’s walk you through proven ways to answer the interview question “why should we hire you”.

How to answer “why should we hire you” interview question

This interview question is a sweeping question, and there’s no single correct answer. However, there is a formula to answer it correctly. When a hiring manager asks you, “Why should we hire you?” they are really asking, “What makes you the best fit ...

Read more at Why Should We Hire You?

It doesn't matter what industry you're in or what stage of your career you're at (experienced or fresher) — job interviews are nerve racking every single time. The secret to keeping your anxiety at bay is crafting smart, thoughtful answers for the interview questions in advance.

Interview question “Tell me about yourself” or questions like it, are common at the beginning of interviews as they ease both you and the interviewer into the interview. It allows the interviewer to hear a short summary of your background and skills, giving them insight into what experience and qualifications you think are most relevant to the position you’re interviewing for.

Some examples of how this interview question can also be asked include “walk me through your resume,” “tell me something about yourself that’s not on your resume” and “describe yourself.”

In this article, we'll give you tips ...

Read more at Tell Me About Yourself