Program Analyst Duties & Responsibilities

The role and function of a Program Analyst includes the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Conducting research, analyzing data, identifying trends, and preparing reports.
  • Determining program requirements and making recommendations.
  • Analyzing programs, policies, procedures, and systems and making recommendations to optimize these.
  • Drafting new or revised policies and procedures.
  • Identifying and resolving issues and problems.
  • Planning, analyzing, and evaluating the effectiveness of operations and programs.
  • Preparing and presenting reports and recommendations.
  • Assisting program managers with the development of budgets and schedules as well as tracking metrics.
  • Assessing and advising on potential issues related to costs, schedules, and performance.
  • Advising program managers with regard to planning, testing, and implementing new programs or systems.

Note that this is not an exhaustive list of Program Analyst duties and responsibilities. Job functions for specific Program Analyst roles may vary, depending on the industry and type of employer.

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